I took off my shoes, leaving them by the door. I didn’t want to get the place dirty, and the exquisite luxury of cool wood against my bare toes was heaven. My shoulders were already feeling more relaxed, and since I wasn’t scheduled to be at work until Monday, I had a full day to unwind before jumping back into the swing of things.

“Here’s your room, Millie!”

The room Meara designated for me had clearly been used for storage. There were boxes and boxes of shoes in one corner, and half the closet was full.

“I’ll, um, move these things out,” she said, gesturing to the mess. “I keep meaning to take it to my storage locker, anyway.”

The bed was a simple mattress on top of a frame. Two milk crates were stacked together to be a makeshift nightstand. It was a true blank canvas, and I knew I could go shopping for the missing items. What my sister provided me with would do for the time being.

“It’s great. Thank you.” I pushed my suitcase up against the wall, turning to hug her.

Reaching for my hand, she smiled. “It’s good to have you back.”

“I should never have stayed away,” I admitted, letting my fingers find hers.

“You were having fun. Just come visit every once in a while, okay?”

“There might not be a ‘next time’,” I mused.

Meara shrugged. “Well, I won’t complain if you stay in the city. I’ve got to meet some friends for a dinner thing. Do you want to come? You’re more than welcome.”

“No, thanks,” I replied. “I’m going to grab a shower and go to sleep.”

“Sheets are in the hall closet. I’ve got a spare duvet in there too. You need help with anything?”

“No, I got it.” I shooed her away. “Go have fun.”

“Okay, okay. I love you.” She kissed me on the cheek before ducking out the door and scampering across the apartment.

It wasn’t long before Meara was out of her leggings, into a mini skirt, and out the door. After ordering a pizza for myself, my first deep dish in ages, I found the bathroom across from me and started the water for a shower. It felt good to be lazy for a little while. I put on a face mask and enjoyed the silence.

On Monday, I would start a new chapter of my life and new projects with new academics. There would be plenty for me to do at work, but right then, all I wanted to do was breathe.