I looked at Flynn, who nodded with respect. I could see something like reluctance in his eyes and fought hard not to show it. His mother was only being kind, although she seemed to have no sense of boundaries. She didn’t even ask if she could stay, assuming that her son wouldn’t mind.

I walked off to my room to pack a day bag, feeling Flynn’s eyes on me the whole way. I knew exactly where I wanted to go and sat down on my bed to text Connor first.

I have two days off,I wrote.Can I come stay with you?

YES!He replied in all caps.

I didn’t expect him to come right over, but that’s what he did. I had just enough time to gather my stuff and say goodbye to Seanan before there was a knock on the door. Flynn was sitting beside his parents in the living room, talking with them about his job. I sent Seanan back to show her maimeó the latest coloring book she was working on. Maimeo was Irish for grandmother, something I didn’t know until Seanan told me.

I went to the front door to find Connor and Dex both waiting for me. They were eager to talk to me, and I couldn’t understand why.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, stepping outside.

“You said you had the day off.”

“Flynn’s parents are here,” I whispered. “I don’t think now is the time to explain to them what’s going on.”

“That’s fair.” Connor nodded. “Grab your stuff, we’ll give you a ride home.”

I laughed. I liked the sound of that. Connor calling his condo my home was enough to warm me down to my toes. I tiptoed back into the mansion to grab my day bag. When I came out into the living room, I found all the adults scattered across the couches, Seanan leaning on the coffee table, coloring in her book. I wanted to say goodbye, but I didn’t want to interrupt. I decided it was best to just slip away.

Connor drove back into the city, making small talk the entire way. I thought something was up, but the conversation was too enjoyable to interrupt. After we parked, they both walked me to the elevator. I felt like a goddess, with an entire entourage of lovers at my beck and call. It was a pleasant feeling, being wanted.

In Connor’s living room, I reached out to kiss each of them. They obliged but ducked away the moment our greeting concluded. I didn’t understand. I thought we were going to make love to each other. I was already feeling the familiar tightening in my groin, the one that cried out for a masculine presence.

But Dex took me by the hand and led me to the bathroom. He presented me with a cardboard box. When I turned it over to read the inscription, it said “Pregnancy Test” in big blue letters.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“It’s a pregnancy test,” Dex replied, shooting Connor an excited look.

“But why?”

“Your symptoms,” Dex said, covering my free hand with his own. “The morning sickness and the headaches. It fits.”

I realized that he was right. Of course, it was a possibility. I had been having a lot of sex with a lot of virile men, any one of whom could be the father. I read the room and discovered that they were both hoping that it was true. Nobody was worried or anxious; they were on pins and needles, waiting for me to make their dreams of fatherhood come true.

I took the package and closed the bathroom door. Looking at myself in the mirror, I tried to gauge my own feelings. I felt protective of Seanan, almost as if I was her mother. I had a lot of experience taking care of people, and I loved the idea of being a parent. If we brought a baby into the mix, would it bring the four of us closer? Would there be any arguing over the origin of the infant? That didn’t seem to be the case. Both Connor and Dex were excited. Flynn had already told me that he was willing to be polyamorous if that’s what I decided.

I thought about my period. I was a few days late, sure. It hadn’t occurred to me to worry since I wasn’t always regular. I tried to remember what they said in sex ed, about the timing of ovulation. Your period was supposed to start twenty-eight days from the start of your last one. By that calculation, I was due for the beginning of the next cycle any day.

I ripped into the package, suddenly eager to see what it had to say. Following the directions, I dropped the test strip into the plastic cup and waited for it to turn blue. It didn’t take long. Almost immediately, I could see the color leaking into the fabric, a clear sign that I was carrying a child.

With the final answer staring back at me, I opened the bathroom door. The boys were there, waiting breathlessly for the results. I nodded, not trusting myself with words. They let out an exhilarated shout, thumping each other on the back as if their team had just scored the winning goal.

“But I’m not sure which of you…” I began.

“I don’t care.” Connor scooped me up, planting a kiss on my lips.

I was anxious to know how Dex felt, and he didn’t disappoint. “It doesn’t matter who the sperm donor is. We’ll all be fathers.”

I melted then. It was too good to be true. We were about to start a family, and I would be forever linked to my wonderful billionaires. I threw my arms around Connor’s neck and kissed him back.

It felt like a tender moment, but Connor was too aroused to be gentle. He pushed me up against the hallway wall. I felt the artwork sliding away, nudged askew by my shoulder. He claimed my mouth as if discovering it for the first time.

This was different than our previous encounters. Then he had been calm and rational, extending the makeout session until we were both comfortable. But this time, his touch was urgent, his hands all over my body.

I was suddenly dizzy from the speed at which he consumed me. I didn’t have time to build up. He was insatiable, his tongue diving deep into my mouth. He took my hands by the wrists and positioned them over my head.