I was dreaming about the ocean. I was standing in the waves, my calves wet from the surf. Flynn, Connor, and Declan were there with me. It was a nice dream, and it left a smile on my face as I slowly rose up into consciousness.

The first thing I became aware of was a hard lump at my lower spine. That and a powerful arm draped across my shoulders made me realize I wasn’t alone. I turned gently to gaze up into Flynn’s eyes. He was awake, looking down at me with satisfaction.

I didn’t know why he was in my bed, but I didn’t care. The sight was welcome. He began to kiss me, and I stretched out under his gentle caress, loving every minute of it.

“How is Seanan?” I asked before we got too carried away.

“She’s fine,” he whispered, his head buried beneath my hair.

He stroked my neck with his tongue, sending me over the edge before I even had time to catch my breath. I put my hand on his bicep and climbed on top of him, reaching over to my bedside table where the baby monitor stood. I checked to make sure it was on, and that I would be able to hear the little girl when she woke up. I turned on the light, activating my vision even though I knew my way around the room in the dark.

Flynn took full advantage of my position to stroke his hands up and down my sides, from under my arms to the swell of my hips. I was wearing pajamas, a matching set with steaming coffee mugs printed all over them. It was designed for comfort, not for enticement of the opposite sex. But Flynn didn’t seem to care.

He had only one thing on his mind, and the sooner I got on board, the sooner we could begin our pleasure cruise. I looked down at him in exasperation. What was I going to do? He read my expression and laughed, pulling me toward him for an elongated kiss.

I could feel his heart beating against mine, his chest encased in his own pajama set. I knew that he had tattoos, but I hadn’t been able to really look at them. I decided that it was time. Breaking the kiss, I reared up, straddling his waist. I undid the buttons that held his shirt together, sliding the fabric away.

The canvas of his chest unfurled before me, decorated with line designs and Celtic words. I touched one gently, as if I would still be able to feel the markings on his skin. It was smooth to the touch, proof that the tattoos were several years old.

He watched me curiously as I continued to examine his body art. He had one on the left side of his chest, near his heart. There was another consuming the left shoulder, and the two bled into one another. He had a band around his right bicep, making the muscle look even larger. I bent forward to kiss it, then moved on to kiss the other tattoos.

Flynn gathered my hair into a ponytail as I worked, tightening his hand around the strands. When I was finished, he pulled back, guiding me up to his lips. My heart sizzled inside me, knowing what was to come. The aching place between my thighs let loose a stream of moisture, preparing my body for penetration.

I rubbed my chest against his, feeling the solid wall of his figure tease my breasts. Holding my eyes with his own, he undid the handful of buttons that separated me from his touch. Peeling my pajama shirt away, he exposed my breasts.

I felt lightheaded, as if my blood too were rushing away from my brain. I held on to his arms as he worked, using him for support as I allowed him to ease my arms free of their fabric casing. When I was finally nude from the waist up, I gazed down at him with adoration.

It was hard to believe that just a month ago, I’d found him cold and confusing. Here he was, ready to make love to me, ready to take me to heights I had never seen before. I slid my hands up from his abdomen to his pectoral muscles, mesmerized by his masculine glory.

He flipped me onto my back, coming down on top of me. I reached up to grab his shoulders on instinct, the entire world shaking. When it calmed down, Flynn was already kissing my neck, his hands planted on either side of me.

I reached up to drag my fingers through his hair. The strands were impossibly soft, at odds with the rest of his character. He didn’t bother to defend the contradiction, kissing lower and lower until he reached my breasts.

I gasped when he sucked one nipple between his lips. His tongue traced a circle around my areola, flicking across the tip to send shivers down my spine. I stretched out, desperate to quiet the yearning that was engulfing me like flames.

He pulled back, taking a moment to remove his pajama bottoms. I saw then what had been poking me in the back. It was huge and rigid, waiting for its opportunity to puncture my intimate flesh.

I floated my hands down his torso, avoiding his dick. He was rugged and powerful, all the things that I needed in my bed. I remembered the feel of it in my mouth, the sheer volume and girth. But it was too late for that. We both needed the same thing, desperately. There was no time for foreplay. We’d woken up needing to blow off steam. Things were already too hot to handle; there was nothing that I wanted more than to feel him inside me.

I raised my hips, inching the soft pants down my thighs. He lent a hand, discarding the cloth as soon as it broke free. I thought he was going to end the suspense right then and there, fill me up with his love, and bring me to a climax, but he had more in store for both of us.

Flipping the covers up over his head, he worked his way down past my belly button to my private place. I stared, astounded, at the lump in the sheets, the only indication that something was happening in my bed. It was hard to believe that Flynn was under there; the sensations seemed somehow separate from the man.

All that changed when he stuck a finger inside me. I grinned, relaxing back onto the pillow. My inner walls tightened, urging him on. He slid a second finger inside, pumping gently to drive me higher. I reached out to grab fistfuls of the blanket, having nothing else to hold on to.

My lower back came up off the bed, my spine arching in response to Flynn’s attention. He kissed me just above my bikini line, grounding me even as he pushed me toward the sky. I closed my eyes, searching for relief. But the only thing that would satisfy my cravings was him.

He pushed and pulled, encouraging me further. I blinked rapidly, exhaling in a hot stream. This was getting crazy, I could feel his fingers right where I wanted them, as if they were obeying my unspoken commands.

The lump in the blanket swayed back and forth as Flynn worked. I almost came, almost saw paradise before my body settled down, still eager for more. It was torture, skating so close to bliss. I needed him to fill me. I wanted to wrap my legs around his hips and pull him deeper.

In frustration, I threw the blanket away, revealing the man beneath them. He understood, removing his hand from my inner region. Coming back to meet my lips with his own, he settled on top of me. Finally, the treasure was in my grasp. I luxuriated in the weight of his body pressing me down.

I fingered his balls gently, cupping the shaft in one heated palm. Guiding it to my opening, I gave him permission to seal the deal. He waited only until I had lodged the tip within my canal before pressing down with his hips. A moment later, I was purely, blissfully consumed. He had me wrapped around his cock, impaling me with his love.