She surprised herself with a laugh. I hoped I was getting through to her. I could see that she was worried, but I wasn’t sure if there was cause to panic. I didn’t know exactly what happened, and I hadn’t stayed around for the diagnosis, but how much pain could a child visit on herself in one afternoon? It wasn’t a car crash, and it wasn’t cancer. I was ninety-five percent sure that everything was going to be fine.

As if in answer to my unspoken assurance, Flynn walked in the door a moment later, holding a drowsy Seanan in his arms.



“Just want to let Baby Girl tell you she’s doing all right,” Flynn said, bouncing Seanan against his hip.

“Hi, Bre,” Seanan yawned.

I stood up, crossing the room to where she cuddled in her father’s arms. “I’m so sorry, baby,” I cooed.

“She’s a tough kid,” Flynn assured me. “The doctors say she’s fine. No concussion. She’s got a big bump, and she’ll have a headache for a day or so, but they say ice and rest. No TV, no excitement.”

“Okay,” I agreed.

“Here.” Flynn passed over a pack of papers. “It’s the discharge notes if you want to go through them.” He smiled patiently, looking over at the child. “Ready to go to bed?”

“Yes,” Seanan murmured, throwing her arms around her father’s neck.

He took her upstairs, leaving me alone once again with Dex and Connor. I couldn’t stop the tears. Seeing Seanan all in one piece had left me weak with relief. I leaned into Connor’s embrace, wishing I was stronger. He held me close, patient and adoring, not at all bothered by my excess of emotion.

After a few minutes, I resurrected myself so that I could look at the paperwork. Just as Flynn had said, there was no sign of a concussion. Due to the injury, the doctors wanted her to rest her brain for a few days. That meant no extreme visual stimulation like video games or television and no excitement. We would have to stay close to home and maybe play with the dolls.

I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to venture back onto the tennis court. That was silly, though. There was some saying about getting back on the horse and not letting fear get the better of you. Once this was all over, I was going to have to suggest another game, if only to make sure she wasn’t forever turned off by the sport. But maybe I would wait until Flynn could come with us; that way we would both feel safe.

By the time Flynn returned, I had managed to dry my tears. Connor and Dex stood up, and there was a tension in the air that told me all of their conflicts hadn’t been resolved. Flynn didn’t seem to notice, sitting down next to me in the space vacated by Connor. He picked me up and put me on his lap, paying no attention to the other men.

I laid my hands on his shoulders just like Seanan had done, feeling the love radiating from his smile. I knew then that all my worries about being fired were way off-base. Flynn wasn’t angry with me, and Seanan was all right.

“Do you want a drink?” Dex asked Flynn. “We found a bottle of whiskey.”

Flynn didn’t look past my eyes to see what Dex was talking about. I sat still, perched on top of his legs, feeling relief warm my soul. Connor and Dex weren’t leaving, and Flynn didn’t seem to mind. He was barely paying attention to the other guys, but that was better than the alternative. I had a feeling that just a week ago, I would have been in the middle of a great battle. This exchange felt loving by comparison.

“We could find something for you two to eat,” Connor suggested.

“What’s going on with the three of you?” I asked, suspicious.

“Nothing,” they all said at once.

I gave each of them a disbelieving stare, one right after the other.

Finally, Dex broke. “We came to an understanding today. We’re just trying to make it work.”

“Maybe you’re trying a bit too hard,” Flynn suggested.

“I’m just being nice,” Dex snapped.

“Thank you for bringing Bre home.” Flynn extended an olive branch.

“You’re welcome,” Connor said.

“I’m going to bed,” I complained. The awkward socialization in the room was making my head hurt.

Before I could stand up, Flynn put a hand on my cheek, turning me to face him. He guided my lips to his, giving me a steamy kiss that burned away all my misgivings. I almost melted in his arms, assured of my position in his household. I wasn’t just a nanny; I was his lover.

He released me, and I looked up to find Dex and Connor both watching with interest. I didn’t have the energy to take them all on at that moment, although the thought did occur to me. The sex with Dex and Connor had been so incendiary, I wasn’t sure if I could handle three at the same time. Luckily, it wasn’t in the cards just then.