Riding up the elevator, I adjusted my skirt. I had never been with two men, and I was looking forward to the opportunity. It was devilish, almost sinful, but I liked them both, and all three of us were into it. Connor was especially interested in this encounter since he had been the one to orchestrate it.

I pushed my negative thoughts away, focused only on the joy that was bubbling up through my heart. I didn’t care if the general society approved or not. This was our private arrangement between the three of us, four if I counted Flynn. And what worked for us was one big group hug. I was on pins and needles to see how it turned out.

The elevator doors slid open, and I found myself in Connor’s living room. I stepped off the platform, glancing around until I spotted Dex on the sofa. He rose to greet me, a beer in his hand. He didn’t bother with formalities or with a gentle embrace. Instead, he placed one hand on the small of my back and drew me to him.

I gasped, caught off-balance by his sudden embrace. He kissed me hard, burning away all my doubts. I floated my arms up to circle his neck, pulling him even closer. We remained locked into our debut, the greeting lasting for a lifetime.

I heard a rustle coming from the kitchen. Dex let me go, holding on to me until I found my balance. I gazed up at him with adoring eyes. If I’d thought he would be the most passive member of the group, I was mistaken. He was a take-charge kind of guy, and he was taking charge of me.

I held on to his shoulder, unwilling to let him go. We both turned to watch Connor enter the room. He was holding a cheese tray with crackers and olives. He set it down on an end table and came toward me.

“My turn,” he said, scooping me easily out of Dex’s embrace.

I laughed, transferring my arms from one man to another. This was heavy stuff, and it had only just started. With the echo of Dex’s lips still present on my own, Connor kissed me. I remembered his affection from weeks ago and knew that I was in for a treat. Connor was gentle but insistent. Out of all of us, he was the most experienced.

I felt like the bird of my soul had finally been let loose from its cage. I flew free, up to the ceiling on wings of pure delight. I was going to make love to both of these men. We were all going to share in every activity. I couldn’t wait to see them both naked, side by side, ready and willing to do everything I asked.

Connor sealed the kiss with a friendly lick. I laughed, responding in kind. He was too much. Around him, it was hard to be nervous. It didn’t matter that I was in uncharted territory, I had an experienced guide and two good friends.

“Should we make something to eat?” Connor asked.

I looked at Dex, wondering what he had to say. I myself didn’t feel much like eating. I especially didn’t want anything heavy that would interfere with our lovemaking. Dex looked back at me, thinking the same thing.

“Why don’t you put something on and we’ll get started here,” he suggested.

“Fuck you,” Connor joked. “If anybody’s starting anything, it’ll be me.”

“Why don’t we save the meal for after?” I offered to appease both parties.

“Do you want a beer?” Connor asked.

“Sure,” I agreed. It was early in the day, but one drink couldn’t hurt.

As soon as Connor disappeared into the kitchen, Dex was all over me again. He lifted me up off the floor, carrying me to the couch. I held on as he moved, imagining myself some kind of naughty princess. I was about to have two princes give me a happily ever after, or happily right now.

Dex set me down on one end and sat beside me, pulling me close. I climbed onto his lap, as eager as he was to get things started. The soccer game was just beginning, and I could hear the announcer with his thick Irish accent calling out the players’ names. It was just the kind of comfortable, masculine sound that I needed to get into the mood. This would be a day to remember for both of the guys. Food, futbol and a fuck, the three f’s that would make any day into a holiday.

Considering myself lucky, I settled down onto Dex’s lap. Spreading my legs wide, I ground down onto his crotch, already willing to go there. He put his hands on my waist, holding me steady. He wanted it as badly as I did, but he wasn’t ready to take the plunge yet.

Sliding his hands up my spine, he traced the curve of my scalp with his broad palm. I reached up, undoing the hairband that held my ponytail together. I shook my head, releasing all of the natural waves. He grinned up at me, sliding both hands deep into the tresses. I relaxed against him as he massaged my skin, running ten fingers up and down with delight. I nearly moaned in pleasure right then.

He saw what he was doing to me and pulled me down for a kiss. My chest pressed up against his, my breasts flattened against his muscular front. I didn’t hear the kitchen door swing open, but a heartbeat later, I heard Connor’s voice from above me.

“Getting started already?” he asked playfully.

I didn’t have room to smile, although I was smiling in my heart. My lips were otherwise engaged in a deep and meaningful exchange with Dex. I could feel another body coming down beside ours on the sofa and knew that Connor had taken his place in the threesome. Another hand pressed against the back of my skull, and I felt a distinct tug.

Leaving Dex’s lips, I followed the pull, my eyes closed and trusting. When the next person kissed me, I knew it was Connor. His lips had a distinctive softness, his touch encouraging me to find my own path.

I was still straddling Dex, but now my torso was stretched between them. There were hands on my waist beneath my shirt, and I didn’t know whose. I didn’t care. Both of these men were my lovers, and I was determined to give myself over to the pleasure that they could bring.

The hands drifted up my midsection, carrying my shirt with them. I broke free from Connor’s lips, holding my arms up in the air to assist. It was Dex who was disrobing me, pulling the garment from my body. He used the interruption to bring me back to his lap fully. Tossing my shirt away onto the coffee table, he recaptured my mouth. I got comfortable on top of him, not in the least bit cold even though I was partly nude. There was still the bra between us, and my skirt, even though that was riding up around my waist.

Not to be outdone, Connor took me by the hand and pulled me off his friend. I felt drunk even though I hadn’t touched a drop. The beer Connor had fetched for me sat untouched on an end table. Connor walked me back down the hallway, the one with the interesting artwork. I followed him blindly, so enchanted by his presence and that of his best friend that I would do anything.

He brought me to the bedroom, Dex following close behind. Once we were all inside, Connor shut the door. He made some motion to Dex, allowing the doctor to make the first move. Dex didn’t need any encouragement. He stepped forward, pulling me into his arms.

I circled his neck, combing my fingers through his hair. He wasn’t quite as muscular as Connor, nor as tall as Flynn, but he was fit, and his body was a perfect match to my own. I closed my eyes, determined to live by sensation alone.