I grabbed her bicep to steady her, helping her regain her footing. She turned to grace me with a grateful smile, and I lost all self-control. Pulling her back against the building into the shelter of the massive stone façade, I kissed her.

She didn’t even hesitate before kissing me back. I knew I wasn’t imagining it. I hadn’t misinterpreted anything she said. She was willing to go to bed with me, and she was interested in exploring a joint encounter between me and my best friend. I felt like the luckiest bastard alive, that my mystery woman would be so adventurous.

I held her in my arms, daring to be as bold and reckless as I wanted. I closed my eyes, tasting the bitter tang of fresh ale on her lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close. For a long moment, we stood right beside the door, indulging in the pleasures of the flesh. When we came up for air, I could tell that both of us were hooked. It was going to happen, and it was going to happen soon.



I almost went home with Declan right then, but at the last minute, I got cold feet. Having sex with Flynn and Connor separately was one thing, but I had never been with two guys at the same time. It was exciting to consider, but it would take me another few days to wrap my mind around the logistics.

I was still high from my encounter with Dex when I met up with Millie for dinner. I was starving. The lunch date wasn’t lunch, and then my salad disappeared, confiscated by the wind. I took Flynn’s car to Millie’s place. We decided to go out to eat and picked a new restaurant that neither of us had ever been to before.

It was a local restaurant serving local food, but both of us were in Dublin to experience Ireland, not to eat Italian. I was slowly getting used to the Irish diet, and this particular restaurant looked good. It was loud and energetic. The cook was yelling out orders as they came up, and the clientele were mostly young professionals, though there were a few parents with children. There was music, but I couldn’t hear it over the din. It was perfect because I had a secret I wanted to share with Millie.

“Connor has a friend he wanted me to meet.”

Millie said nothing, her eyes softening with curiosity.

“So I met him. His name is Dex, and he’s a doctor,” I continued.

“Did you sleep with him?” Millie asked, not judgmentally.

“No,” I admitted. “But things got pretty heavy there for a while.” I paused to gather my courage. “And I did sleep with Flynn.”

“How was that?” Millie asked, suddenly very interested.

“It was amazing,” I said, remembering the taste of his cock in my mouth. “He’s very commanding.”

“You go, girl!” Millie cheered. “Did you sleep with Connor again?”

“No. He stayed away when Dex and I met. He made up some excuse.”

“Why would he do that?” Millie wondered.

“I don’t know.” I couldn’t begin to speculate. “Maybe something really did come up.”

“Or maybe he wanted you to get to know his friend without him,” Millie suggested.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “Anyway, it worked out, and Dex and I are maybe going to have sex with each other. And maybe in a threesome with Connor.” That last bit squeaked out because I was feeling a little nervous about admitting to our arrangement.

The sex itself I was looking forward to, but talking about it was a whole other story. I couldn’t help feeling just a little bit slutty. Here I was, making love to two men, about to add a third. And when Dex and I did the deed, it would be in the company of someone else. Just the threesome was enough to make me worry about my reputation.

For some reason, though, Millie didn’t seem shocked. Whether I had stumbled across the perfect friendship or if she had experience in the realm of multiple sex partners, I didn’t know. But I appreciated her encouragement.

“I feel a little bit slutty,” I admitted.

“Don’t,” Millie said immediately. “That’s such a horrible word.”

“What else would you call someone who is sleeping with, or planning to sleep with, three different men?” I challenged.

“Have you really never heard of polyamory?” she countered.

“What’s polyamory?” I parroted the word back at her.

“This whole idea of one woman for one man is called monogamy, right?”
