We had dinner and ended up in the living room, watching television. Seanan was a big fan of one of the cartoon shows and couldn’t stop talking about it. She wanted me to watch it with her, and since that was a pretty low-key activity, I obliged.

I pulled my phone out and had a text conversation with Millie. The colorful lights flashed across the screen while the characters cracked the mystery of someone’s stolen lunch. It wasn’t strictly educational, but it was giving her some good information about teamwork and sharing, so I didn’t mind.

She allowed me to do my thing as well, as long as I looked up occasionally to comment on the action.

“Look at that, Bre!” Seanan shouted, putting her feet up on the sofa. “He’s about to talk about broccoli.”

“Have you seen this before?” I wondered.

“Many times,” she assured me.

I didn’t understand how she could watch the same show again and again without getting bored. But there was something she found comforting about the scripted dialog. Knowing what would happen next seemed to be sort of the point.

I had a visit from Connor, I told Millie.

She sent me back three question marks.

The hottie from the club, I explained.

He came to your house?she typed.

Baby girl was napping,I replied.And I didn’t let him in.

What did he say?

He asked me out on another date, but get this…he wants me to meet a friend of his.I chuckled wickedly as I wrote, unable to contain my excitement. I wondered what Millie would say when she found out what I was up to. The implications were unmistakable. If Connor wanted me to meet his friend, then there was a possible threesome in the works.

She sent back an emoji with hands pressed to its face, indicating that she understood what I was trying to say.

“The broccoli is in the lunch!” Seanan cried excitedly.

“Do you want broccoli in your lunch?” I asked.

“No,” she responded.

“But you know broccoli is good for you.”

“I know,” the little girl groaned.

When is the date?Millie asked.

Sunday. My day off,I wrote.


I blinked. After my heartfelt confession and all the drama around dating two, potentially three guys at once, I had forgotten to ask.I don’t know.

Find out!Millie practically screamed.

It’s a lunch date,I told her.So, probably a pub or something.

Who’s the friend?she texted.

I don’t know. He said that they saw us at a café.

Who saw who?

Connor’s friend saw you and me.My thumbs flew over the keyboard, lighting up each word as it developed.