“But I thought you said that you didn’t have other plans with Connor,” she reminded me.

“I don’t,” I clarified. “But I don’tnothave other plans with Connor. We left it very open. I think eventually he’ll call, and then I would have to reject his invitation.”

“So date them both,” Millie suggested.

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not? They’re both grown men. No one has proposed to you.”

I considered her statement. It was true. Even though Flynn said that he would fight for me, and even though I knew he would want me all to himself, we were all adults. As long as no one forced me to choose, I was free to date whoever I wanted.

“I don’t know,” I hesitated.

“I want regular updates,” Millie demanded.

“Okay,” I agreed, hanging up the phone.

I decided to take a shower and get changed into something more comfortable. I was basically floating around the house, my feet so light they didn’t even touch the ground. Everything was going my way. I’d come to Ireland to escape my grief, and I’d found two men who made my stomach flip.

I remembered Connor’s loving touch, his exploration of my intimate parts, and the sight of him leaning over me, his cock embedded in my passageway. I juxtaposed that with Flynn’s brusque kiss. The way he’d taken command of the situation made me quiver inside. I imagined what it might be like to go to bed with Flynn, to feel him inside me, instead of a stranger. The thought was almost too delicious to bear.

I finished up in the shower, toweling off before putting on my regular house clothes. I had a pair of sweatpants that hugged my hips and dusted the floor when I walked. Wearing them, I felt both sexy and innocent. I wore a long sleeved T-shirt that was tight in all the right places. It wasn’t that I was planning to put my assets on display, but knowing that Flynn would be watching made me evaluate my clothing choices with a critical eye.

Feeling like I’d struck a good balance between casual and attractive, I pulled my hair up and went out to find Seanan. It was my day off, but I enjoyed her company, so I decided to cut my break short.

She was upstairs in her room, playing with Legos. She jumped up when she saw me, circling my hips with her little arms. I laughed, tousling her hair.

“Daddy was such a bore today!” she exclaimed, reaching for my hand.

“Really?” I asked, more curious than I should have been.

“We went down to the pond, but he wasn’t playing right.”

I tried to imagine Flynn getting down on his hands and knees to push boats through the water and had to smile. He cared deeply for his daughter, but even parental love had its limits. I sat cross-legged beside my charge, helping her build a tower that would eventually be knocked down.

When I looked up twenty minutes later, I saw Flynn standing in the doorway. His razor-sharp attention was focused on me instead of Seanan. In that moment, I felt more powerful than I ever had before. Just the knowledge that he lusted after me was enough to stoke my fire. After that kiss, it would be more difficult than ever to keep my hands off him. But if Millie was right, maybe I didn’t have to.



I was at work, hiding out from the head nurse. I wasn’t really hiding. Technically, I was between patients, going over some medical charts in an empty room. I didn’t want to go back to my office because I knew Greta would find me there. She had a stick up her ass about staff scheduling, something I had nothing to do with. If she found me, it would create a conflict that I didn’t want to deal with.

The patient in room 305 had a fractured fibula. I’d ordered a cast, but I just wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. That’s what I told myself, anyway. Connor called as I was finishing up. I would have to go back out on the floor and make the rounds of patients’ rooms, but I wasn’t looking forward to it.

As an attending physician, I knew I had to take breaks when I could. There weren’t any current crises, so I was capitalizing on the down time. That and avoiding Greta. His phone call presented the perfect opportunity to stay where I was for a few more minutes.

“What’s up?” I answered casually.

“Are you at work?” he asked.

“Yeah, but I’ve got some time.”

“Good. You’ll never believe what happened to me last night,” he said.

“You got laid?”

“You know me too well,” he teased.