Going out to a club sounded like a much better option. I knew exactly which one I wanted to go to as well; it had been one of my favorites back in the day. I left work and went to get my hair cut. You could never be too prepared to land that special someone.

I spent some time fussing over my wardrobe. If I was going to go out, I wanted to look good. At around nine o’clock, I drove downtown, parked on the street about three blocks away, and walked. The club was packed, which was always a good sign. The more people in attendance, the more likely I was to score.

I flexed my mental muscles. Finding someone in person required different skills than securing a date online. I went to the bar first, to buy a drink and get the lay of the land. There were a lot of young and energetic people there, perfect for my tastes.

I had only just begun to narrow in on a man drinking alone when a pair of women caught my eye. Just like me, they came straight to the bar to get some beers. I thought I recognized them. They were in their early twenties, which made them a little too old to be university students. Although these days, with the gap year, I couldn’t always be sure.

I hoped that they weren’t students. I didn’t think so, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had seen them somewhere. It was a blonde and a brunette, perfectly matched and provocatively dressed.

The blonde wore a short skirt with a halter top, standard fare for the club scene. But it was the brunette that caught my eye. She wore a pair of tight black jeans and a clingy shirt with spaghetti straps. She wore high heels, giving her the air of someone who knew what they were doing. I thought she might be up for a casual fling and set my beverage down.

“Can I buy you ladies a drink?” I asked, pouring on the charm.

They each gave me an up and down look before checking with each other to see if it was okay. The blonde shrugged. The brunette looked back, favoring me with a beautiful smile.

“I’m Connor,” I said after they had ordered their beers.

“Breanna,” the brunette said. “But everyone calls me Bre.”

“All right, Bre. What brings you to Dublin?”

“What makes you think I wasn’t born here?” she asked.

“Your accent for one,” I replied. “Also you’re a damned sight prettier than most of the lasses here.”

The two women turned to each other in delight, their laughter music to my ears. I knew I had her on the line. It was just a matter of reeling her in.

“I’m exploring the land of my ancestors,” she said cheerfully.

“We’re pleased to have you back.” I winked. The bartender slid two bottles across the bar, and I instructed him to put it on my tab. “How long have you been in the city?”

“Three weeks,” she replied. “Almost a month.”

“Have you taken the Braveheart tour?”

“What’s that?” She turned all her attention to me.

“The movieBraveheartwas filmed mostly in and around Dublin.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Wasn’t he Scottish?” the blonde piped up.

“Yes, I believe so,” I replied. “But most of the movie was filmed right here.”

“That’s cool,” Bre said, sipping her beer. “Have you been?”

“Of course. I have to keep tabs on all the famous locations.”

“Do you want to dance?” Bre asked, taking control of the conversation.

“I thought you’d never ask.” I set my drink down on the bar, walking away from it. It had served its purpose, and now it was time for bigger and better things.

Bre was a natural on the dance floor. Her youthful energy came shining through, packing each wiggle with a powerful punch. I struggled to keep my hands off, to remain suggestive but not overbearing. I wanted her to think I could walk away at any moment, which was true. I didn’t have any skin in the game. But I wanted her.

She was a perfect partner to finish off the day. I could drown in her soft curves, forgetting all my troubles for the moment. She warmed quickly, and by the end of two songs, I was ready to heat things up.

“How about we take this party elsewhere?” I asked, casting the line.