Page 68 of Hidden

Chapter Twenty


The past few hours have been a little bit torturous. I was a little nervous to be spending time with Parker after how terribly our last meeting ended, but I should have known better. He didn’t blame me for anything that went down. He has been behaving…like a brother.

When August first showed up with him a bit ago, he threw his arms around me, and then we both had a good cry, much to the amusement of August. There was something comforting about holding each other, something that repaired itself within me.

And he wasn’t even that broken up about ending things with Gavin- he told me they were young when they got together and that he was a different person that fell in love with the two-faced alpha. He explained how he thought maybe he was trying to compensate for the hole I had left in his life and that maybe he was just desperate to feel an attachment to somebody that would take care of him; that maybe he didn’t spend enough time figuring out what kind of person he was pledging his life to.

August had to explain to me that it’s not unheard of for omegas and alphas to part ways, because although the bonds forged are permanent, when one of them does something unforgiveable, such as threatening your sister and bullying your stepbrother to the point of harm, that it’s always healthier for that bond to fracture instead of trying to make it work and suffering more.

I’m just glad to know he’s safe, although there was an altercation when they first arrived at August’s apartment complex. Since alphas aren’t allowed here, there’s a tight security checkpoint any guests have to go through and a waiting area for any alphas here to visit a tenant.

I felt sick to my stomach when August told me that Gavin was waiting there, since anyone can get to that room, and that he was making threats and tried to corner August. The idiot didn’t pay attention to the fact that there’s still security there though, so not only was the whole thing caught on tape so that August has hardcore evidence of ill intent, but Owen was understandably there to escort his omega and wait for him, and he was furious enough for the both of them to take care of the threat that Gavin posed. I’m glad that Parker has an alpha still that is willing to protect him, though apparently they’re already looking for new pack members because Owen wants more help protecting Parker.

We’ve been giggling for about twenty minutes now about the idea of a bunch of alphas coming to meet them, the image of some strange dating game stuck in my head. He almost seems relieved that Gavin is gone, so I think the fear that August had that Parker had been in pain all week while the two of us tried to heal has been wiped away.

This time together has been torture though because August has been smiling way too much, which does dangerous things to me.

“I have to tell you, before he gets back from the kitchen, that I have never, and I meanneverseen August this relaxed or carefree. He’s usually so anti-social that he sort of just became a background figure whenever we had friends over. This isn’t like him. I don’t know what you’re doing to him, but for the love of god, keep doing it.”

A laugh bubbles up from me again, and even though it’s far from the first time that’s happened tonight, it takes me off guard. I’ve been so sad all week away from my alphas, even though I know I needed the separation. Getting to know Parker tonight has seemed entirely too easy. At least one thing in my life has been.

“I have literally done nothing. That’s all him. He’s been like this since he brought me here.”

Parker watches as August tries to figure out how to carry all the drinks out to us, with more glasses than he has hands because Parker couldn’t decide what he wanted. So, August just got him multiple options.

“You guys haven’t….youknow…”

I hate the pain in my heart. Just the thought of sex has my thighs clenching, remembering how good it was with my alphas. It’s almost worth putting aside my pride just so I can let them knot me again. Now that I’ve experienced what they can do to my body, it’s hard to deny myself.

“No. He’s been trying to put me back together. Nothing has happened. In fact, I informed my alphas today, through August, that I insist on him being a part of my life.”

Parker’s eyes widen and he claps a hand over his mouth. “Shut up, you naughty thing! How did they react?”

August finally makes his way back to us, using a small baking sheet as a makeshift tray. Parker is such a diva. I watch in amusement as he sips from two different kinds of juice, a glass of sparkling water, and then a sip of chocolate milk.

“I’m assuming you’re talking about me. What’s the question, you gossipers?”

Parker has the audacity to look all offended, which has me snorting out some of the water August brought me. Attractive. “I was only asking how her alphas responded to her demand that you and her are going to be getting it on.”

“You’re going to embarrass her. Remember, she’s new to pack dynamics.”

Parker gives me a once over and waves me off with his hand. “She’s fine. What did they say? Come on, I’mliterallydying over here!”

Again. So dramatic. August and I haven’t actually had a chance to discuss what happened when he told my alphas what I asked him to, because I think we were waiting until it was just the two of us. Guess it’s happening now. I’m actually pretty nervous. What if they fight August’s claim on me?

“They must have discussed this amongst themselves because they seemed unsurprised when I told them what Calai wanted. They made the usual alpha bullshit remarks about me treating her right or else, making sure I knew they were the alphas, but ultimately I think everyone knows that Calai has them wrapped around her finger. They’re so scared that Calai won’t want them back that they’d probably agree to just about anything if they thought it’d make her happy.”

August digs through his pockets and produces my cellphone and a credit card. “They also made me bring these to you. They’re appropriately depressed about you not being there right now, and all but begged me to have you contact them when you felt up to it.”

I take the phone and do an immediate face palm. The background has been changed to a shirtless pic of the three of them with their arms around each other, with their stupid abs front and center. Damn but I missed their bodies.

“Now Calai, share with the class. Not all of us have a pack of hotties ready to bend over backwards to fix their mistakes.”

Parker takes the phone from my hand and nearly swoons at the picture. “Holy shit, girl. Please tell me there are more photos on here.” He absentmindedly signs everything he says while he busies himself with my phone, apparently finding several more photos. Including one with James posing in bed with nothing more than a handwritten sign that says ‘sorry’ over his pelvis. Yep, I’m in trouble.

“Okay, they’re forgiven. Damnit. You are one lucky bitch.”