Page 47 of Hidden

When I come to, I’m in a hospital with a cast of some sort on my leg and a bandage on my cheek that’s irritating my skin. Or maybe it’s the stitches underneath it I feel. Yeah, it’s probably that.

“Calai?” I croak. Someone places a straw at my throat, and I suck down some water, not even bothering to move.

“She’s with Kit and her brother. She’s safe. How are you doing, man? It took everything in me not to put that alpha in the same condition you are.” I can hear Colter’s concern in his voice, feel it in the way he lightly brushes his hand across my uninjured cheek. His hand is rough, scraping across my stubble, and knowing he’s here for me makes this all a little bit easier to deal with.

We’re joined as a pack and are basically mates, we love each other; but we’ve never been super into talking about emotions. Whether that’s because we’re alphas or because that’s just how our relationships function, I don’t know. I do know that having Calai in our lives is bringing us closer than we’ve ever been and I’m appreciating them in a whole new way. I sometimes think of us as best friends who like to fuck, because I don’t think we’ve made love in years.

In the beginning when we started our pack, it happened a lot. There was a lot of newness and excitement in starting a life together, committing to each other. I think we’ve slowly been drifting apart though, searching for our omega to complete us. Damn if she isn’t the best one out there, too.

“We don’t make love anymore. Any of us. Have you noticed that?” I keep my eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of his hand on me.

Colter gives me soft amused laugh. “I hardly think this is the time or place for it. Unless you want to spice things up with some voyeurism. There’s plenty of nurses walking by we could scandalize.”

“She’s good for us, right?”

I feel him sink down into the chair next to me and then he scoots closer to me, taking my hand in both of his as he presses a kiss to it. “She’s…”

“You want to knot her as bad as I do, I bet? It’s all I can fucking think about. It’s messing with my head.”

“I think my dick is threatening to detach itself so it can find some action. I swear to you I’ve been hard almost constantly since we had to listen to Kit knotting her. I’m still pissed at him for getting to her first after all this shit we did that was mostly his fault.”

I laugh, but it hurts my head. “He’s a lucky bastard. I think it was a crash course for him though- he’s been softer with her. He’s completely obsessed.”

We sit in silence for a few minutes, listening to the beeps of the heart monitor and the traffic of everyone else walking by the emergency room I’m in, but I feel Colter’s steady presence the whole time. He doesn’t let go of my hand, and even though I don’t need to have my hand held, it feels really nice. We’re not too touchy feely most of the time, but I never wonder if they still love me or not.

“Okay, let’s get you out of here, shall we?” An overly perky beta nurse skips inside the room, stumbling slightly at being near two alphas. We try to stay non-threatening, but somehow that translates to interest. “Well, didn’t realize I’d be seeing two alphas here tonight. I would have dressed up!” She laughs at her terrible joke, then reaches up to test the bandaging on my cheek. I don’t think that was a necessary thing though, more of an excuse to shove her tits in my face. Colter lets out a growl and she steps back with a blush, then goes to the computer on the side to update something.

“You’re going to want to keep a close eye on that concussion. If symptoms worsen, please return immediately. Rest is encouraged, and I’ve got some crutches right outside the door for you to use. The fracture in your tibia will need to be seen back here in a couple weeks once the swelling has gone down to get fit for a proper cast. Do you have any questions for me?”

Her hand skates along the top of her chest, like she’s trying to get me to look again. “Uh yeah,” Colter grunts. “Do you always sexually harass your patients? Or are we just unlucky?”

“I- I beg your pardon?”

“Just go. Now.” She sways out the door with a wink she probably thinks Colter can’t see, but we’ve signed the discharge papers so we’re free. Once we’re sure nurse creepy is gone I hobble out on the crutches, feeling like an idiot.

“Huh. Maybe Calai will be your nurse. I’m sure she’d takerealgood care of you if you asked her nicely.”

Colter puts an arm on my shoulder, quickly removing it so it doesn't upset my tenuous balance on these stupid things. “This is so fucking dumb. I can’t believe I let my ass get beat by her brother’s mate just so I wouldn’t upset her more.”

Colter laughs at me, all the stress from the past few hours starting to wane now. “Yeah, that was pretty dumb. Five bucks says she’s more pissed you let him hurt you instead of trying to defend yourself.”

“I don’t know,” I tell him as we exit outside, nearing the jeep. “I was a pretty big dick to her earlier, remember?”

“Oh, I’m not forgetting the way Kit punched you any time soon. That was beautiful. Didn’t realize he could multi-task so well. I mean, he was fully inside our mate and actively trying to pleasure her for the first time.”

“Don’t fucking remind me again. My balls have never been so blue in my life.”

“You’re a liar. Remember after I joined the pack and you decided it would be funny to oil the floors? Kit ate shit and all you could do was laugh? And then he took away your sex privileges for two weeks and we boned all over the place right in front of you?”

“Fuck. Why are we so stupid?”

“That was all you, man.”

I grunt. I suppose it was. Totally worth it though to see the panic flare in Kit’s eyes as he tried to remain upright. I laugh at the memory, wincing when the stitches tug at my skin.

“Where we going, then?”

“Kit texted me the address. Her brother lives in town so they’re over there.”