Page 34 of Hidden

Chapter Eleven


Maybe we’re torturing ourselves more than we’re torturing our little omega, but in the few days that we’ve had her here, I’d like to think we’re slowly breaking down her walls.

In her sleep, she unknowingly curls into us and chases our backs if we turn over, and we keep waking to find her legs threaded over or through ours. We have discovered pretty quick that purring for her puts her in a damn state of mind, because her whole body goes lax. It’s a weapon we plan to abuse.

Kit has kept his word, keeping her chained to the bed for most of the time, except for mealtimes, restroom, and shower times, and for brief walks through our property where she’s handcuffed to one of us. It was starting to give me some seriously kinky daydreams.

I know she hates those fucking handcuffs, and maybe its messed up that I enjoy seeing her a little angry, but Kit is right in that she needs to learn her lesson. She almost got herself taken from us, almost got assaulted, and somebody has to pay for that.

Well, other than the fucker I shot, anyway. That particular memory also gives me some seriously kinky daydreams; usually of Calai throwing herself at me and being so damn grateful for saving her that she lets me take her over the hood of his car, her legs splayed wide while his blood continues to drip onto the pavement. I never said I was right in the head.

I’m still not sure she’s managed to get a full look at any of our cocks, and you’d think that after never before seeing one, or even knowing of their existence, she’d be straining to explore them. I know I would be. But that curiosity is probably why I’m the one currently sucking James’ cock and she isn’t.

His hands curl into my hair and I know we only have a few moments before Kit returns with Calai from their walk outside, but damn if I’m not going to enjoy this first. His hand pulls my hair so damn tight, and my own fist is working my steel cock as he pumps into my mouth, seated at the edge of our bed with his legs open nearly as wide as Calai’s were in my sordid dream.

“You’re thinking about her even when my cock is stuffed down your throat, aren’t you?” James grunts out. I bypass the need to gag, letting him use me.

“You telling me you aren’t?” I question him.

“Fair enough. God I want to just lick her until she comes all over my face, make her scream. My fucking knot hurts so bad, I need to fill her up.”

James’ voice is raspy and pained, and I can relate. Since we can only inflate our knot inside an omega, it feels like we’ve waited lifetimes to experience it. There’s this low, aching resonance at the base of my dick that keeps reminding me that it hasn’t been sated yet.

“Oh, fuck, that tongue. Shit, man. I’m about to go.”

I pick up the speed on myself, swallowing around James’ cock right as heat explodes in the back of my throat. Too late, I register that the door has just opened and closed, and since there are no walls in this house, we have no way of preventing whichever mate that just walked in from getting a damn eyeful.

I’m too invested to stop now, so I swallow James down and give into my pending release, covering my torso in cum. I lean my suddenly too-heavy head on James’ thigh as he throws himself backward, both of us breathing heavy as the tingles continue to run all over my body.

“Fuck that was good,” he says, as if it’s not obvious.

“Don’t I always make it that way?” I quip back.

James’ hand turns soft on my head, petting me now. “That you do.” He shifts a little bit and turns his head, greeting an embarrassed Calai with his sex-scratched voice. “Hey Omega. Welcome to the show. Sorry, we forgot to collect your ticket at the door.”

So I guess we’re just deciding to not give a flying fuck about her seeing us together? Alright. Rip that fucking band aid off.

“I-sorry?” She says, clearly flustered. I lift my head up and turn it sideways so I can see her but keep it laying on James’ bare thigh as he keeps playing with my hair, soothing me.

“For?” I ask.


“Are you though? Sorry?”

Kit walks in the door next, takes in our position and obvious state of undress and smirks. “Can’t leave you two alone for five minutes without someone ending up on their knees.”

I flip him off and grab my shirt to wipe myself off with, helping James to sit up in the process.

“Well, I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to tell Calai that we like to fuck each other, but this works as well as anything I came up with. Task complete. Thanks, guys.” Kit whistles and goes to the fridge to grab a beer. But he can’t stop smiling at us being caught with our pants down.

“So…that happens…often?” Calai squeaks out.

“Not exactly a surplus of bedmates out here,” I say as I go to wash my hands and grab a beer for myself.

“I see.”