Page 22 of Hidden

“Unhand me!”

“Is it possible you meant to say hand me harder, instead of unhand? Because I can think of half a dozen places, on the spot, I’d like to sink my hands into.”

“You are disgusting!”

“Now, now, baby doll. Is that anyway to treat your new mate?”

“M-mate?” She squeaks. So fucking cute.

I bop her on the nose. “The three and only,” I say with a smile.

“God, I forgot how annoying you can be sometimes,” Colter says.

“You two fucking missed me. Don’t even deny it.”

Kit grumbles.

“Whatever. They totally love me.”

“I ask again. WHERE are you taking me?”


“There’s nothing out here!”

I laugh. Oh. She’s serious. “Shit. You weren’t kidding, man. She doesn’t know a damn thing, does she?” I suddenly feel a great deal of sadness- how would it be to live your life with such a narrow scope?

Kit shakes his head, his features softening. “It might be a little fun to educate her.”

“I know plenty of things,” she tells him, crossing her arms over her magnificent breasts. “And Icanwalk, you know. Your arms must be getting tired. I’m not exactly light.”

“I don’t care how much you fucking weigh. You’re perfect and you won’t be anywhere but in my arms right now.”

She startles at my announcement but doesn’t fight me. Good. At least we won’t have to argue with her about her body shape. As far as I can tell, it’s absolute perfection; although, she might need a few road signs taped to her body somewhere so that poor, unsuspecting people will be warned there are curves ahead. Laughing at my terrible joke that no one else is privy to, I start humming again.

After maybe twenty minutes or so of silence, she blows out a stream of air impatiently, trying to remove a coiled curl that keeps trying to cover her eyes. “Sorry about the dirt,” she says quietly to Kit.

“I like that you’ve got fight in you,” Kit tells her, turning his head to see her better. “I just wish you understood we’re not the ones you need to fight.”

“Not the ones I need to fight? You stole me from my home, separated me from my lover, and are informing me that you’re bringing me to a den of debauchery! Why on earthwouldn’tI fight that?”

“It’s a moot point,” I tell her. I really hate arguing. No sense in fighting over something that isn’t changing. “Be angry at us if you must, but accept this is still happening.”

She hardens a bit in my arms, but a simple squeeze to her ass has her squirming and blushing, ridding her body of some of that tension.

“Might as well as get some things out of the way,” Colter tells her. “That place you came from? Out here, we call that acult. I know that won’t mean anything to you, so I’ll tell you how we see it. A cult is like…when a group of people blindly follow someone that’s a bit on the crazy side. They get them to believe in their twisted ideas, and they worship this fake ideal that’s been created.”

“My life isn’t like that.” After a brief pause, she corrects herself. “Wasn’tlike that.”

Colter stares her down. “No? Then enlighten us.”

“Why were you there anyway?” She asks me, staring me down until I feel like I might be falling under a spell. I shake my head, clearing it.

“Because there was a certain damsel inside that needed rescuing.”

“Why did I need rescuing? I was finally about to achieve my lifelong dream!”

“Of providing offspring for a group of females that would sooner beat their followers into submission than let them express any indication of self-identity?”