Page 44 of Hidden

“I hardly know…it’s not like we had the material at the compound. I mean, Icanread, but mostly we had access to prayers and teachings that great mother gave us about Ernyu.”

I don’t know anything about this fucked up fake religion she grew up with, but I do know she needs something to bring her into the real world. “Well,” I start, trying to figure out if this is a good idea or not. “There’s a bookstore in town. Would you want to…maybe visit? Look around? See if there’s anything you’d be interested in reading?”

She spins slowly, and I know I’ve got her attention. Her eyes sparkle as she realizes she might be able to get something she never even dreamed of. “What kind of books?”

“Well, let’s see. These are a lot of non-fiction books; biographies, philosophy, historical novels based on true events…but there’s so much more. You could try…fantasy? That’s like magic and new worlds and creatures that turn into different forms. Or maybe romance? I think that’s pretty popular with women- love stories and that kind of thing.”

“I…might have to try a few to figure out what I like…” she says, trailing off and frowning again. “Colter, how am I supposed to support myself? You guys already did so much for me and are housing and feeding me…I can’t ask you to purchase things for me when I have no currency of my own to trade with. I feel as if I’m taking advantage of you.”

I feel a growl rising up in my chest which I’m only just barely able to tamp down into a low sound. “Calai, you’re our omega. We don’t want you to worry about anything. We have plenty of money for whatever we need, whatever you want. If there’s something you’re interested in learning about or taking classes online or something because youwantto, that’s one thing. But if you want to figure out a way to get a job or something because you think you need to help out financially? Absolutely not.

“Omegas don’t usually work very much because your heats can be uncontrollable and it’s supposedly difficult for you to be out of your house that much. If you’re hell bent on being independent, we can look for something part time that would be safe; but not until we feel you’re really settled and comfortable here. Not until we know when your heat is coming, and we know you feel like this is truly your home.”

I spin her around so I can see her, cupping her head so I can kiss her. This hasn’t happened nearly enough times yet, but I resolve to change that pattern now. If an hour goes by without my lips claiming hers, I’m going to have to find some way to atone.

“So I’m expected to just…stay at home and do what? Keep the house tidy? Help with meals?”

“You don’t have to do that either. Not if you don’t want to. We managed all that without you here and are perfectly capable to doing that going forward. We’d love some input on how to make this house suit you better, but we’re big boys. We can clean up after ourselves.

“Just let us spoil you. You haven’t had the best life up until now. You have no idea how bad we want to replace all your memories with good ones and show you what you’ve been missing.”

“So what do I do? Do you guys leave to go to work ever? You must, right? What do I do when that happens?”

“Kit inherited a stupid amount of money from his grandparents when he was young and has been investing it really well ever since. We don’t have to go anywhere for the money to continue to roll in. He makes some phone calls or writes some emails occasionally if there is something that needs his attention, but we pretty much stay home and do stuff around the house.

“You? You do whatever you feel like doing. We can get you books, we can get you anything you might be interested in trying out or learning about- we want you to be happy and to figure out who you want to be in this new world you’ve been thrust into.”

“I’m not sure I know how to be idle.”

I feel a heated grin take over my face. “No one said you’d be idle. Besides your heat coming on at some point, we plan to ruin you constantly.”

She swallows harshly, her cheeks an attractive shade of sunburn. “I might need to hear more about this heat you keep mentioning.”

She’s perfuming harder the more we talk about this, making my cock ache to knot her and finalize our claim. “And you will. Why don’t you start brainstorming all those questions, and then tonight we can sit down and talk through everything? We should get you out of this house. If we keep in here, I’m going to end up doing my worst to convince you to let me bend you over the couch and fuck you, and I don’t know how sore you are right now, so let’s stay away from that for now.” As much as it kills me to not eventry, I think that Kit’s command to back off for now is a good one.

He's still pretty freaked out about what happened earlier, and he doesn’t want any of us pressuring her for more until she makes it clear she’s ready.

Calai’s cheeks heat up, and it’s so damn cute. I tuck some of her hair behind her ears, making sure I really seeher.

“Out? Out where?”

“Shopping? We can drive into town and get supplies, you can see what a grocery store looks like and pick out foods to try so you can figure out what you like, you can pick out books, we can gather nest materials…”

Her eyes flash to the bed, greedily, and I can see that she wants that last thing veryverymuch. She might not have any knowledge about what an omega needs, but we do, and she just needs to listen to her instincts that that bitch tried so hard to negate.

“That…sounds fun, I guess.” Her hand finds its way to my chest as she looks around, such a casual move that I’m not sure she notices, but it means the world to me to have her casually touch me like that. It means we’re making progress, and she’s becoming used to having me nearby.

“Then let’s go. It takes almost an hour to get to town, so if there’s anything you need to do, go ahead. I’ll go let the others know to get ready as well.”

She starts to walk off, a spring in her step at the promise of something new. She spins around before disappearing behind the bathroom door to thank me. I feel proud for about a second or two before I realize that this is such a small thing, and I shouldn’t feel good about the fact she’s so grateful. She’s only grateful because we’ve been such terrible mates so far.

I go to find Kit and James outside, pissed again at how awful everything started out. We can do better. Wewilldo better.