Page 29 of Enslaved by Anubis



I setoff into the night with the thought of Zanika’s soft, warm body giving me strength. The meeting will be going ahead about ten miles outside of Avaris. It is a straight shot away from the river into the desert. There will be no chance of anyone seeing us. I have prepared my story for the general, and I hope that he is pleased with the progress I have made. I have, after all, taken control of the city and put the humans to work. Despite all my crimes, I have accomplished a lot as well. Although I’m not sure if I have accomplished enough. Only time will tell.

The going is cold and tough. I haven’t been training during my time in Avaris, so I feel a little weak as I trudge through the loose sand. After the first two miles, I start to feel stronger and am able to push on faster. In the end, it only takes me about two hours to complete the journey.

I arrive at the meeting spot, as indicated by my GPS device, and take a seat in the sand to rest. It seems that I am early since I cannot hear or see anything out of the ordinary. I sit around for half an hour running the sand between my fingers and looking up at the stars in the sky. I try to figure out which one would be the sun of my solar system, but I am not familiar enough with astronomy to get very far in my theorizing.

Suddenly, I see a glowing silver light shine down about 300 yards to the west. They must have gotten the coordinates wrong, I think as I stand up and head toward it. I can feel my heart beating in anticipation as I make my way over the sandy dunes. I find myself rehearsing my story in my head but tell myself to act natural and be calm. There is no reason for them to suspect any wrongdoing here.

I see three figures standing in the darkness. They are undoubtedly Dhaarria from their shape and size. I climb over the last dune separating us and, to my surprise, see that the general is not there at all. It is, in fact, Chem-tat-ef and two Dhaarrir soldiers. I had been hoping Chem-tat-ef would not be here at all, let alone the only one I will have to deal with.

I walk all the way up to them and see the Chem-tat-ef is dressed identically to me. He is dressed as Anubis! I start to panic inside but keep my cool outwardly.

“What’s with the getup?” I ask mockingly. “Still jealous of the posting?”

Chem-tat-ef does not answer. He just smiles and steps forward. Finally, standing a mere yard away from me, he says, “You have been relieved of your posting, Neb-en-khata.”

My heart freezes. My instincts tell me to punch him in the face and run, but my mind tells me that would be just about the worst thing I could do.

“Funny,” I say, acting as if I think he’s joking. “Shall we get down to business, or do you want to continue yourhilariouspractical joke for a little longer?”

He laughs, a little menacingly. “It’s no joke,Neb. We know what you’ve been doing down here. Did you really think that the general would allow a first timer so much freedom?”

A drop of sweat drips down my forehead.They know, they know everything, but how?

“Your mighty sword of fire is also a listening device, you moron. We may have not seen the disgusting things you got up to, but we heard them. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.”

My body takes over and swings a punch into Chem-tat-ef’s face, and he falls into the sand, but before I can attack the guards, I feel an ice-cold shock blasting through my nerves. I fall to the ground, unable to move a muscle. My arms and legs are extended out as stiff as wood, and my head is trying to dig its way into the sand. I am still conscious but gasping for air.

I see one of the soldiers put away his taser and approach me. Chem-tat-ef gets up slowly and wipes the blood from his lip. It looks like I knocked a tooth out. Despite the pain I am in, that makes me smile inside.

“Alright, send that disgusting pervert up. The general will want to talk with him before he is sent for re-education.” He steps up to me and kneels down. Despite not being able to move at all, I can still look up at him with my eyes. “I hope they skip the re-education completely and go straight for the euthanizing. I knew you were scum the moment you walked in.” He gets up and kicks me in the ribs as hard as he can. I feel something crack and groan out in pain. The hatred I feel for him right now is rivaled only by the grief I feel when I remember that Zanika will be waiting for me in our bed. A tear rolls down my cheek as the soldiers drag me to their position. The light beams down and blinds my crying eyes. I feel the unmistakable, unpleasant sensation of molecularization taking place in my stiff body.

The next thing I know, I am back on the ship, miles above Yoria. I would scream out in anguish if my vocal cords were working, but all I can muster is a furious rumble in my chest. I see that Chem-tat-ef did not make the trip back. He will no doubt be replacing me in the palace. I can feel my heart breaking as I am dragged along the floor of the ship to my doom.