Page 24 of Enslaved by Anubis



I leaveLord Anubis’s chamber, or I guess I can just say Neb now. He said that I would be incapable of pronouncing his real name, and when he said it, I did not even dare to attempt it, so we agreed that ‘Neb’ was fine. I feel like my mind has exploded. Everything I once thought was real has been a fabrication. Neb told me about his home planet, Dhaarria, and all the strange technologies and customs they have there. I could hardly follow most of what he was saying, but it was like hearing the stories of the gods when I was young. I was transported to a state of child-like wonder once again. The knowledge that he is giving me is almost like a drug. The moment I leave, I want to go back and hear more stories from him. I have a yearning to know more and more about the nature of this world and reality itself.

When I walk through the halls and see all the wall paintings of the gods, I think about how futile all of this is and that we are really praying to a large squad of creatures like Neb, hiding in some kind of invisible flying machine in the sky. When Anubis told me this, I had to wonder whether this was all just some kind of elaborate joke. I still find it difficult to believe some of the things he says, but I think that’s just my mind resisting new knowledge. It is difficult to break free of things you have taken as certainties your entire life. I don’t think I would believe a word of it if it wasn’t for the things that Neb can do and what he is. It’s hard to refute that he is a different species because, well, he is. I just have to adjust my thinking. He is not a god; he is just another life-form from the blackness. And really, the stories he tells me are as far-fetched as the ones we have about the gods. Only now am I realizing that I think I have always been a little skeptical about a lot of the myths taken as certainties, but in a society where they are taken as fact, it is very difficult to speak up.

I spend the day going about my chores in the best mood I have ever been in. I don’t know exactly what I’m so happy about, though. I think it might be a mix of new knowledge and the amazing sex we’ve been having. Neb has become much more human to me after last night. After talking with him for a long time, I see he is not that different to me. He is much more advanced and, of course, a hell of a lot bigger. But on the inside, we are similar beings. I feel like we share some kind of connection that should not be possible between two members of different species.

He told me that he would have to leave this place one day, so I am not getting too excited. I am taking this for what it is, a time of excitement in my life. It’s not like I am planning a future with this alien—that would be ridiculous—but he has told me to come see him again tonight. I am glad that he is slowly getting over the shame that riddled him so strongly yesterday. The change is quite remarkable. I think he has now accepted that these sexual urges are natural and it’s okay to indulge in them. It’s pretty clear that he was unable to stop himself when it came to me anyway, but now it’s much less violent. I think connecting on a mental level will only improve our sex, which is good because I find myself horny just about all the time now. I can’t stop thinking about what we’re going to do when I get into his chamber tonight.

* * *

“Where the hell have you been?”Sslama asks me when I run into her down by the river for laundry duty.

Anubis told me that I was not to tell anyone about anything he has told me and what we have been doing. I’m busting to tell Sslama, but I decide that I don’t want to risk losing Neb’s trust for a moment of gossiping.

Off the top of my head, I come up with a lie. “Lord Anubis sent me into the city purchase some items for him.”

“What kind of items?”

“I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to say.”

“Of course, of course. But—is everything okay with you? I haven’t seen you around much lately.”

“Everything’s great, Sslama, don’t worry.”

“So, you’re feeling better?”

“Oh yes, I think that was just a bug. The day in bed really sorted me out.”

“Okay, well, glad to hear it.”

We both go back to stomping on our linens, and in a moment, she leaves the river. I feel a little bad for not giving her more. I just feel incapable of talking about mundane things at the moment. If I can’t talk about all this new stuff, then I don’t really feel like talking at all.

* * *

The sun setsand I know that now it’s time for me to go back to Neb’s chamber. I saw him a few times during the day as he went about the palace, but he barely paid any attention to me. I kind of like the secrecy of it all. It turns me on even more to know that we are the only ones who know that we’re going to be fucking later on. In addition to the stimulation of my sex, I’m looking for stimulation of the mind. Talking to him is almost as exciting as the sex itself.

I make my way to his chamber quietly. I look around each corner making sure no one is watching. Luckily, by nightfall, all the girls have usually retired to their beds, or maybe gone out into the city to get drunk with the men. Neb has abolished essentially all the rules governing us slaves. We are paid for our labor and can spend that money as we wish. He hasn’t established any new nobles, and no one dares rise up against him. Everyone has seen the bodies he has left in his wake. In a way, Avaris has now become a city run by slaves. The work we do around the palace is essentially just for each other, and of course the gods. Now knowing that the gods aren’t real, I find it difficult to engage with any of my religious duties. It all seems so pointless now, but I do still enjoy many of the customs of our culture, despite knowing they are based on a lie.

I tap on Neb’s door a couple of times and the door opens immediately. I like that he has been waiting for me. Before I even have a chance to step in, he pulls me out of the hall and wraps me in his arms.

“I have been waiting for this all day,” he says as he leans down to kiss me. I kiss him back passionately, and his hand wanders down to my crotch. I moan as he rubs my pussy through my dress and grabs my ass with his other hand. We both pull away from the kiss and smile at each other; the anticipation of what is about to happen is obvious in both of our faces. I lift up my arms, and he takes off my dress. I stand before him, naked, as he drops his schenti, revealing his throbbing cock.

“Get to work,” he commands, and I drop to my knees before him and take his cock in my mouth. He holds me by the hair as I pleasure him with my tongue, slowly and gently. I have only had his cock in my mouth for about ten seconds when he lifts me up and says, “I can’t wait. I need to fuck you right now.”

With that familiar animalistic glint in his emerald eyes, he bends me over the bed and forces my body to do his bidding. He rubs my cunt from behind and sticks a couple of fingers in to make sure I’m ready.I’m ready.He continues to hold me by the hair and plunges his cock deep inside of me. I omit a sound that is a mixture of a gasp and a whimper. He starts pumping me back and forth and I can’t help but smile.This is fucking amazing.

* * *

After our first fuck,I decided to introduce Neb to oral sex—both ways. He hadn’t even considered that he could go down on me as well. We sixty-nined for a good half hour until I came all over his face and his seed exploded into my mouth.

After this, we are both super relaxed and insanely tired. We fall next to each other, and Anubis wraps his arm around me. We tangle our bodies together, and I feel both cared for and safe in his arms.

“We’ve talked a lot about me,” Neb says, still a little out of breath. “But we haven’t talked about you. Tell me where you come from. What was your life like before you came here?”

I haven’t really ever talked about my past to anyone before. No one has ever really been interested, but also, I find it very difficult to talk about. Although logically I know that being abandoned by my family was not my fault. I lost the genetic lottery and was born into a family of male dickheads. But I still do sometimes feel, deep inside of me, that it was somehow my fault they left. I’ve always been terrified that if I told another person about these things, they would say exactly that. Then I would have to face the fact that the problem wasn’t my family, it was me. And who could ever love someone whose family didn’t even love them?