Page 95 of A Pirate of Her Own

“No,” she answered honestly. “I don’t want you to walk away.”

She held her breath, half-afraid he would indeed release her. Instead he leaned forward.

She parted her lips.

“Captain Drake!”

She felt his hands tense a moment before he pulled back and glared at Kristen, who approached them. He lowered his hands from her face.

“What?” he snarled.

Kristen blinked her widened eyes and lifted her brows. “Don’t yell at me,MisterDrake. You’re the one who wanted to know as soon as the carpenter came. I’m merely followingyourorders.”

“What the devil is the man doing here at this hour?” Calming, Morgan sighed before looking back at her. “Another time, Serenity?”

She barely nodded before he walked away.

Kristen approached her like a cat stalking a mouse. “Rule number three,alwaysleave him wanting more.”

“Excuse me?”

Kristen inclined her head toward the direction Morgan had gone. “Give me your decision, Miss James. Do we bring the good captain under your heel, or do you return home on the colonial ship?”

It must be the full moon, Serenity decided, because right then with the heat of his touch still burning her skin, she made the decision her heart cried out for.

“All right, Kristen. What do we need to do?”