Page 106 of A Pirate of Her Own

Chapter 18

Morgan wanted to shout in triumph asSerenity’s soft hand closed around his. She felt like warm velvet and smelled of delicate roses and night mist.

Without hesitation he pulled her up in front of him and set his heels to the horse.

At long last, she was his. This was a night he would savor like no other.

A woman he would savor like no other.

Serenity sighed as she leaned her head back against him and listened to his heart race beneath her cheek. The sweet ocean air mingled with the scent of Morgan, and she felt as helpless against him as a damsel confronting a dragon.

His arms held her close while the horse thundered across the beach, raising water in their wake. High overhead hung a full moon that cast mystical shadows against Morgan’s face.

He was beautiful, her pirate. And for this one night, he would belong to her and her alone.

The nagging voice in her head warned that tomorrow would separate them.

But she didn’t listen. She would deal with that on the morrow.

Tonight she would listen to her heart. Her heart that wanted him more than it had ever wanted anything.

When they reached the small rowboat, Serenity giggled.

“What?” he asked, reining the horse to a stop.

“You’re certainly going to a lot of trouble.”

His face serious, he stared down at her. “You’re worth every bit of it.”

“That’s not what you told Stanley.”

He slid to the ground, then pulled her from the horse. His hands bit into her waist as he slowly slid her down the front of him.

Her body burned in response, tingled all over.

His look was dark and deadly. “I don’teverwant to hear another man’s name on your lips.”

“But Stan—”

Again he kissed her.

Serenity smiled while they kissed. She had just learned a trick. Say Stanley’s name and Morgan would kiss it away.

She filed that away in the back of her mind. It could definitely come in handy.

With a groan, Morgan tore away from her lips and carried her to the rowboat. He set her carefully down before setting it adrift, jumping in and picking up the oars.

“This is the longest trip of my life,” he murmured.

She laughed at the desperate note in his voice. Her body throbbed from her longing and she watched his muscles ripple as he began rowing them out to his ship.

Moonlight danced across his face, shadowing his eyes. Even so, she could feel him looking at her. It made her body even hotter.

Morgan stared at her and listened to the magic of her laughter. With her dress tucked primly around her and her hair in wild abandon, she looked like some captured nymph. A nymph he would devour fully before this night ended.

He rowed faster.

When he reached the boat, he carefully helped her climb the ladder to the deck. And this time, he enjoyed the sight of her garters and other under-things as they swayed above his head and undulated in a rhythm that made him ache all over. Soon he would taste that part of her.