Page 102 of A Pirate of Her Own

Well, no one was going to lay a hand on his Serenity.

Not without a fight.

“How nice of you, Fairley,” Morgan ground out. “But I have already made that offer.”

“Yes, and I told you no,” Serenity said.

She linked arms with Stanhope, or whatever his name was. “I’d hate to be a burden to anyone, but the good captain here has made such a compelling case that—”

“She’ll attempt to take over your crew,” Morgan blurted out like an imbecile.

The man gave a milksop smile to Serenity. “Fine then, she’s already taken over my heart.”

Serenity blushed.

Had her cheeks always been that rosy?

Her smile so stunning?

“Why, Stanley,” Serenity cooed, “you say the most scandalous things.”

Morgan saw red. How dare she speak to that man like that.

He wanted blood. Captain Fathead’s blood.

Stanhope Fairley looked offended.

Good. Let her shred him the same way she shredded Morgan. That would teach him not to trespass on a man’s woman.

“Miss James,” he said in a breathless voice, “I assure you, I’m most committed to you. Would you have me declare my feelings for the benefit of all?”

Serenity stepped back with a frown. “Excuse me?”

Fairhope looked positively moonstruck. “I mean what I say, Miss James.” He took her by both hands and knelt upon one knee before her. “I wish for you to marry me.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth flexed.

Morgan waited, knowing his little vexation wouldn’t disappoint him.

Aye, she would send the interloper packing with a few choice insults. His little vixen wouldn’t tolerate such ridiculous stupidity.

“Captain, I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, you’ve never been at a loss for words before,” Morgan snapped before he could stop himself.

Serenity turned to face him with eyes of fire. “Fine then. Captain Stanley Fairhope, I accept your offer.”

“You what!” Morgan roared.

The fop stood, holding her hand like some treasured object against his chest. He stroked her wrist. “Miss James, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world. I knew the moment I saw you that you were the only woman for me.”

“He’s a fop!” Morgan snapped. “You can’t marry a fop. Why, you’re more of a man than he is.”

The room fell as silent as a crypt.

It was only then that Morgan realized what he’d said.

Serenity’s face turned the color of a bright cherry an instant before she let him have her wrath fully. “Just who do you think you are, Morgan Drake? How dare you say such a thing to me! You don’t own me, you don’t even want me. All you’ve done is cry out what a burden I am to you, and now that I’ve found someone who can make me happy, you dare stand there and make insults. You’re vile, Captain. Loathsome. But then, I suppose I’ll forgive you your rudeness, since you’re only being yourself.”