Winter frowned but nodded. “Let me drive you and Bron home. I don’t think you are okay. You’re pale and your hands are so cold.”
“I’ll be okay. I just need to calm down. I don’t want to scare Bron. I’ll explain another time. Can you call Lauren and tell her that I’m on my way home? And tell her I saw Walter Blake at the school.”
She barely remembered saying goodbye to Ayla. She concentrated on asking Bron about her day,her eyes darting into the rearview mirror. Her breath stuck like a solid block in her lungs. She breathed easier when they’d crossed the tunnel and she took the exit onto Boston Street. She parked her SUV and ushered Bron inside.
Lauren waited at the door. She took one look at Adri and threw her arms around her.
“Why are you hugging her like that?” Bron asked.
Lauren gave her a mock scoff. “Because I missed my bestie. She was gone for weeks and now she left me to go pick you up.”
Bron rolled her eyes. “Grow up. I’m going upstairs.”
Adrianna couldn’t stop shaking. “Wait…”
Lauren stopped her. “Let her. She will be okay there. You have to calm down, go in your office and call Cam. I’ll go bring her a snack and settle her. I’ll be there to check on you after. Just breathe Adri. He can’t do anything to you. He’s just being an old, wrinkled dick.”
Adrianna took two deep breaths and headed to the office.Bron was safe.Bron was safe.Bron was safe.
Now, she just needed to break the news to Cam.