Page 56 of The Summer I Loved

He was still as mouthwatering as when he’d left, promising to be back soon. With the undershirt clinging to his body and his big arms hanging at his sides.Discard the dress now.

But there was something in his face, a light in his eyes that was different.

"What's wrong? Is Bron not feeling well?"

He stepped in the room and closed the door. "Bron's fine. She's sound asleep. She'll stay with Lux tonight."

If their daughter was okay, then nothing could be that bad. She went to him and put her hands around his neck. "I would think that would make you happy. You promised me a whole lot of extra innings and I've been waiting."

She brushed small kisses on his lips.His hands closed around the small of her back.

"Tell me what's wrong, Cam."

He sighed against her mouth. "Someone overheard my talk with my mother and what I told Barron Lyons. It will be on the covers of the main papers tomorrow."

Her stomach clenched but she breathed it out. "You told a reporter. It's only natural he publishes it."

His hands moved to her face. "Yes, but it's not in the context Lyons would put it in, or his paper that's publishing it. It's the city rags. They're a lot like tabloids. They will sensationalize it. Chase told me they're putting out headlines about my love child."

The blood flowed into her limbs and she moved away to sit on the bed. "Oh. And that means—"

"People camped outside, waiting to catch a glimpse of Bron and constant calls for statements," he finished for her. "I don't mean to sound douche-y but because I'm so popular here, this may become a circus. Right now, they don't know who you are and that will give us some time but once they do, they'll want to find out everything."

"I forgot your life could be tabloid fodder. I didn't think about any of that." She stared into her hands. She never shared photos of Bron on her Facebook and there were only a few, but not of her face, on the restaurant's Instagram. "Her photo will be everywhere now."

People would know who her little girl was and would try to get a piece of her. Something tightened in her chest. Jesus.

Cam knelt in front of her. His warm hands on her face again. "I won't let anything happen to her. I think we can buy ourselves some more time if you and Bron head home tomorrow morning. I'll finish tying up loose ends here and join you by the end of the week."

She closed her eyes. “Why aren’t things ever simple? Why is it that every time we have something good going, something has to happen?”

"I know it's a lot," Cam said. "I'm sorry. I should have thought things through better. My mother made me so angry and I wasn't going to deny Bron to anyone. I want the whole world to know how proud I am to be her dad. I was impulsive and I just didn’t stop to fucking think about how that could affect her or you."

Her heart bent and flooded. How she loved this man. "Cam, don't punish yourself. I happen to think it's beautiful that you love her so much that you don't care who knows it. I'm a little scared of them finding out about her and her face being everywhere but I don't regret that you told everyone. I was so happy about the way you stood up to your mom in Bron's name that I didn't stop to think either."

He kissed her hands one at a time. "I'll have my publicist do some damage control. I'll sit for an interview with whoever I have to. I’ll give the vultures what they want so they can leave you two alone."

Something tugged deep inside her. He was willing to do whatever to protect them. "Don't worry about me. I can handle it and I'll keep an eye on Bron. What about you? Will you be okay? I know you're used to this but it’s a lot to deal with."

He sighed. "I'll be fine. I've dealt with scandals before and in New York, scandals come easy. All I had to do was go through a slump or the team lose a couple of games and they'd be all over me."

She caressed his cheek. A stubble was already thickening there. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "Don't be. I chose this. But what if Bron doesn’t understand? I don't want her to think that I abandoned her like she did last time when she knew we would be separated."

"Don't worry about that. Things are different now.The two of you spent time together. You got her puppies and you're getting a house that she’s helping you pick out. We have to make sure to remind her of all the changes you’re making to be with her."

"And you, Adri. All those changes were for you too. I've been planning for us this whole time, too."

Her heart beat so fast and so hard, it rattled her body. “How can I love you this much?”

His smile made her breath catch. She’d make it her life’s mission to tell him every day. He brushed his lips over hers and rose, rolling her onto her back. Her hands slipped down his body, hooking into his sweatpants and sliding them over his ass. Her body responding because her mind and her heart were just on him.

He pushed her dress over her hips. She firmly planted her feet on the bed and spread. She snuck a hand between their bodies, grabbed his engorged cock and stroked him, up and down.God, how she needed all of it inside her.

He pulled her hand off his dick and placed it at her side. She snuck it back to grab his arm, needing every part of her to have contact with his body.

He pushed the head of his cock past her folds and pain vibrated through her core. Her hands tightened at his shoulder, her nails digging hard. She gasped loud.