Page 52 of The Summer I Loved

He thrust the envelope at her. It fell on the floor between them. The words “Eastern Maryland Diagnostics” were in the top left corner. Victoria's eyes bulged out and she took a small step back.

"You better pick it up or I will suggest that one of the social column writers does," Cam searched the room for the first available writer.

He caught Adrianna's worried gaze. She headed toward him. He nodded to Chase who made his way to Luciana and Bron. When he turned back, Victoria had not moved and the envelope was still in the floor between them.

"Pick. It. Up," he said to Victoria, just as Adrianna reached him.

Victoria bent and picked up the envelope. She held it in front of her and Adrianna’s gaze flew to his. "Open it." Cam barked low at her.

"Cam…this isn't the time…" Adrianna said.

"The hell it isn’t. I want her to open it," he insisted, but Victoria shook her head. "Either you open it, or I'll find someone that will. Tomorrow, it will be all overpage sixhow my parents are addicts that used me to fund their addictions, while keeping my daughter from me.”

His mother glared at him but tore the flap of the envelope. She pulled out the paper and began to read. Cam turned his back on her, grabbed Adrianna's hand and walked away.

"When did you get the results?" Adrianna asked while they walked.

"Three days ago," he answered, bracing himself for a fight.

She was silent for a while before she said, "You didn’t tell me."

He squeezed her hand tighter and turned towards her and pointed at his heart. "It wasn’t anything I didn’t already know. I never needed that paper to tell me Bron’s mine."


Adrianna stood there in the middle of the room, staring at Cam. She was dumbfounded and couldn't think of what to say that wouldn't cause her to disgrace herself by openly bawling in front of all the people who came to see his work. She blinked away the tears gathering and bit the inside of her cheek to keep her eyes dry. Her heart squeezed with all the emotions that were currently balled into a knot in her throat.

His complete acceptance that Bronwyn was his child without needing proof or doubts hit her with a deluge of so many emotions. It was a gradient that went from happy to giddy, followed by delirious. Because she didn't dare do anything else, she tugged at his hand and brought him to her. She inched closer and pressed her lips to his, whispering what she’d longed to say. "I love you."

His body went rigid and she almost smiled at the shock, then the light that shone in his eyes as the meaning of her words seemed to surge within him.

"You do?" he asked, sounding so incredulous it almost broke her. Deep down, he was still that insecure boy that didn't think he was loved.

"I never stopped," Adrianna answered, her fingers trailing his face.

The smile began in his eyes before his lips curved and stretched into a contagious grin. His arms went around her and he whispered in her ear, "I love you, too. I need you to let me show you how much."

She swatted him in the stomach lightly. "What am I going to do with you?"

He tucked an errant lock of her hair behind her ear. "You're already doing it…But there is one more thing…"

"Mom! Daddy!" Bronwyn called out from behind him.

Cam laughed. "Her timing is impeccable."

Before she could say anything, Barron approached them. "I couldn't help but hear this beautiful little angel call you Daddy, Cam. I think our interview has just taken a different turn. Seems like you've got more than painting going on?"

Adrianna tensed. This wasn't something she and Cam had discussed yet, but they couldn't hide from anymore.

Cam looked at his daughter then back at Barron. "As you know, I keep parts of my life very private, Barron. But this is the one thing I want the whole world to know about me. This is my daughter. Her name is Bronwyn."