Page 93 of The Summer I Loved


Cam maneuvered Adrianna’s SUV into Canton Square. Beside him in the passenger seat, Bron pointed across the street. “There’s Mom. She’s waiting for us.”

Cam didn’t have to look at his daughter to know she was smiling. His gaze was already in the direction where she pointed. Adrianna was beautiful in her skinny jeans and flower blouse. Her hair in that bun was sexy as hell. But even from across the square, Cam noticed the wringing of her hands and the strain on her face.

How would he ever undo the damage Walter had done?

His lawyers assured them that, without the recording, they had no legal worries. But it was the emotional wounds his father inflicted that failed to heal.

He circled the square and forced himself to keep his eyes on the road and not on her. “She’s going to be so happy to see you. Remember to tell her how much you missed her.”

“I will. I can’t wait to give her the flowers we got her.”

Cam smiled, his gaze drifting to the rear view, which reflected the enormous arrangementhe and Bronpicked out after school. “Your mom was really brave today. I hope she likes them.”

“She will. And she’ll probably cry.” Bron placed her hand on his arm. “Daddy, you’re going to ask her about my birthday, right?”

He could have chuckled. It had only been five minutes since he’d last reassured her. “I will and I’m going to keep my promise.”

“And you’ll convince her, right?”

Jesus, don’t promise her that. Adrianna was going to freak and probably kick him and all his shit out on the street. He put the car on park and glanced into his daughter’s angel eyes. As always, his common sense and other thoughts vanished.

“I’ll convince her.”

You’re so fucked, Cameron. His time was running out.

He’d managed to stall Adrianna from talking about going their separate ways by telling her they both needed time and shouldn’t make decisions in haste. He’d also used Dr. Perkins’ words about not disturbing Bron’s world any more than it already had been. He wasn’t sorry. He would do whatever it took to stay by their side.

He’d stayed out with Chase all day because he didn’t want to face her after he’d put his foot down on Bron going back to school. Now he was about to push her buttons even more by asking, no, telling her, that their daughter wanted to celebrate her birthday in a very public place full of people. It made him want to drive away again.

He sighed, got out of the car and walked around to let Bron out. He grabbed the flowers from the backseat. His little girl had already skipped her way to her mother.

“I missed you.”

“I know, Mom,” Bron said, making Cam chuckle.

“She’s not lacking for confidence, that’s for sure.”

Her gaze landed on him and on the flowers in his arms. “I always miss her when she’s gone.”

He searched for bitterness or anger in her tone but found none. “These are for you.”

“We picked them out together,” their little girl said.

“They’re beautiful. Thank you.” Adrianna’s lips curved into a shy smile and then she kissed Bron’s forehead. “And thank you, Cam.”

He handed her the flowers and she buried her nose inthem. No kiss for him but what was he expecting?

He opened the door and they went inside. “I can take those upstairs for you.” He pointed to the flowers.

She shook her head. “I’m going to put them on the mantle behind the counter. They’re so beautiful, they need to be seen.”

Or you don’t want them in your space as much as you don’t want me there.The thought came fast and cutting.

Bron sat on a table by the window, the same one they’d been sitting at on the day everything changed. Adrianna sat closer to her this time. Her hand was on their daughter’s shoulder as she listened. Bron was animated and smiling, telling her mom about her day and how they started working on theirArtscapeproject.

“That sounds amazing,” Adri said.