Walter didn’t have to tell them where he had her. There was only one place in Maryland he’d feel comfortable in. Cam was heading back to the place he’d sworn never to set foot in, at eighty-five miles an hour. For once, he didn’t complain that his brother was going to get them all killed. The faster they got there the better. He just wanted to get Bron back and wipe Walter from his life.
“If it were me driving even eight miles over the limit, I would have ten state troopers following me like I was OJ in the Bronco,” Lauren muttered.
“Maybe they just want an excuse to give you a sobriety test?” Chase laughed when Lauren pelted him with a look. “Just call me when you want to get somewhere fast.”
“Are you fucking kidding me, Chase? This is not the time for your fucking flirting.”
His brother nodded. “I’m sorry.”
A warm hand slid over Cam’s and his gaze flew to Adrianna’s, who leaned closer to him.
“I think he’s trying to lighten the mood.” Her eyes were warm like her touch and though there was still strain in them, there was something there that eased him.
“I just can’t do that light thing. Not when she’s…” His voice trailed off and he hated himself for the flash of emotion in her eyes. He should be making this easier on her. But he was inept in every way today.
“We’re going to get her back. “
The phone vibrated in his hand. It was a phone call from Elias. He contemplated answering but this wasn’t the time. He couldn’t explain things right now. He hit the send-to-voicemail icon and placed the phone back on his lap.
“Maybe he can help,” Adri said, looking at his phone.
“Who?” Chase asked.
Cam didn’t get a chance to answer.
“Elias, can I call you back? Right now”
Chase reached across and snatched Lauren’s phone from her hands.
“What the hell?” She started but Chase shook his head and hung up in one swift motion and then handed it back.
“Don’t tell him what’s happening. This is a family issue and everyone here is related. I’m Cameron’s brother. You’re Bron’s aunt. We don’t need him.”
“I get you don’t like him, but for Bron we can all set personal taste aside. He’s a lawyer and may be able to help out,” Lauren said.
“I agree. And you told me your father likes him. Maybe he’ll listen to Elias,” Adrianna added.
Something in his gut churned and he found himself emulating Chase’s shake of the head. “No. Elias is a friend but he’ll also feel bound to try to jump in and do things. He’ll want to impose his way and we know what we’re going to do. Let’s keep this here for now.”
The car veered toward the exit and Adrianna’s body bumped into his. “Chase, for God’s sake. We need to make it there alive.”
“And you need to watch it down this road. You know the deer jump out of nowhere,” Lauren added.
“Stop being a wuss. Don’t tell me you’ve become boring, like Cam? Besides, I dare a deer go against my Range.”
Cam concentrated on his plan.
“Remember, when we get there, you grab Bron and take her out of the room. I don’t want her to be there when I talk to Walter. This is already hard enough.”
She released a shaky breath. “Okay. My mom is already talking to Bill. They know they have to wait—”
“Bill? As in Sheriff Johnson? He’s still in the force at one hundred and fifty years old? He was always on my ass.” Chase said.
“Because you were a terror back then,” Adrianna said. “He’s good friends withMom so I would watch it if I were you.”
“Don’t you worry about me, Adri. I’ll be a Boy Scout.”