Page 66 of The Summer I Loved


“How long do we have before you get to Bron’s school?” Cam’s voice came through the speakers and bounced off every corner of the interior of the SUV.

Adrianna took the exit and blew a mouthful of air. The ride had been only slightly better than bumper to bumper. Cam had just called her back five minutes before. She couldn’t believe it was the beginning of April and she was blasting the heat in her car.

“I’ll be there in the next ten minutes. Why?”

“I wanted to ask you something important.” His tone was way too serious.

A pang of unease broke out on the tip of her stomach.What now?“Okay,” she said in a tentative tone of her own.

“Is Mr. Vibrator making an appearance tonight?”

Adri almost ran the light and slammed on her breaks. Her heart hammered at her throat but no way she was going to let him rattle her like that without payback. “It all depends. Mr. Vibrator is a SatisfyMe 2.0. Although last night I decided it should be called Kam with a K.” God, she’d been so tempted to play for him in front of the camera. “Cam with a C should come home so I don’t need the SatisfyMe, anymore.”

“You’re evil.”

“I’m keeping it real.” She kept her eyes on the traffic light and her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. These conversations were becoming more frequent and she felt like they were back in the summer that changed their lives. They’d teased each other so much back then and spent way too many times between the sheets.

“The real Cam will be there this weekend to retire the SatisfyMe.”

“I’ll start stretching.” The words were barely out of her mouth and they both started laughing. Then an idea occurred to her. “Hey, we didn’t talk about birth control but we’re safe. I use a method called the ring.”

“Okay,” he said.

She frowned. “I’m telling you so you know that we have no worries about two nights ago.”

“I wasn’t worried,” he said.

“At all?”

“No. I mean, I didn’t think about it. I guess given our history, I should have been, but…”

She kept her eyes on the road. “But?”

“I don’t know…for some reason I wasn’t. I never can think clearly when I’m horny around you.”

She laughed. “Thanks, I think.”

“You know what I mean. I take it you don’t want any more kids.” Was his voice thicker than before?

“I never gave it much thought. Bron and I…we’re a well-oiled machine. You know? A new baby would mean starting all over…”

“But not alone. I would be there, with you this time. We would do it together.”

Oh, he was really thinking about this. “True. Sooo…are you saying you want another baby?”

“If you’d asked me weeks ago, I would’ve said fuck no, but Bron and you changed so many things. I don’t just want to paint and hide.”

It brought a smile to her. “You changed things for us, too. Why don’t we talk about it when you get here? By the way, if we have another kid, you’ll need to get a minivan.”


“Not a soccer-mom one. Since you’re super rich, you can get a designer, state-of-the-art one.”

He said nothing.

She continued. “It can be in the Emperors’colors and you can put some shiny rims on it like your Audi.”