Page 61 of The Summer I Loved


Marilyn had taken out her encounter last evening on Chase. Cam knew exactly how that disaster went. She hadn’t taken her sleeping pills, but boozed it up instead. When Chase showed up, she’d let him have it. His brother would never have left her in a bad state.

“I’m sorry. You went to help me and got the brunt of it.”

“Oh, shut up. I faced the dragon for Bron. She told me last night, I can come live with her. I think that kid loves me. And who could blame her?” The teasing smile back in Chase’s face but it lacked the usual effect. He had that tired-and-dragged look in his eyes that all three of them knew so well.

“You’re not moving in with us.” He hated how thick his voice sound. When he joked with his siblings about kicking them out of his house or how they didn’t live with him, it came out harder, almost like he meant it. He never did. He never would.

“It’s not your choice, Cam. Lux and I got invited last night. Lux doesn’t have a life so she can be there permanently. I’ll have to get a little apartment to entertain my lady friends from time to time.”

“Ew. And for your information, I do have a life. We all know why you want to go back. Like pumping a nine-year-old for information on her aunt isn’t reprehensible enough.”

Cam laughed. He should be reprimanding his brother for it but he couldn’t make himself do it. “We’ll talk about this at another time.”

“I was a little curious and yes, let’s talk about it without Lux’s innocent ears around. She still doesn’t get the hang of boys and girls.”

“Shut up, Chase.”

“Anyway, Cam. Marilyn won’t be granting any interviews unless you sanction it. Eddha will call one of us if any reporters call the house.”

Eddha had been the Blake’s maid for over twenty years. She’d always been sweet with them. Cam suspected out of pity because of who their parents were.

Chase stood up and headed for the door. “Wake me up for dinner.”

“We are not your parents, Chase.” Lux shot over her shoulder.

“Speak for yourself. Cam’s the only dad I’ll ever admit to having.”

They all laughed but it would have been better if it weren’t true.