Page 58 of The Summer I Loved


“You’re going to love Diego. He’s so sweet and likes to cuddle. Frida just nips on stuff.”

Adri smiled, the familiar scene before her alleviating her heavy heart at leaving Cam. Lauren half lay on the couch and Bron half laying on her.

“I can’t wait to meet them. Have I told you I missed you like crazy?”

“Not in the past two minutes,” Bron said.

“Oh. I’m due then. I love you, I love you, I love you. You can’t leave me again. You’re the only one that knows how to make my coffee right. I didn’t have anyone to vet my outfits. I’ve probably been looking a mess for the past weeks.” Lauren reclined back with a dramatic sigh. “I can’t do life without you.”

Bron rested against her. “I’m taking you wherever I go from now on.”

“That goes for college too. I’m going with you.”

“Won’t you be old?” Bron asked.

“Nah, your mom will be old. I’ll still look this good.”

Adrianna mock-gasped. “Hey, you leave me out of this.”

“You’ll both be old.” Bron kissed her cheek and headed to the bedroom. “I’m going to go call Daddy.”

The second she was out of the door, Lauren sat up and smiled. “Okay. I got my awesome cuddling time with her. Now, it’s your turn.”

“You want me to come sit on your lap too?” Adrianna laughed.

“If you want to. As long as you tell me everything. Do. Not. Skimp on the good details. Let me tell you what I already know. She’s got two dogs, her daddy is awesome, her aunt and uncle (whom we will talk about after you tell me about you and Cam) are really cool, though I’m still her number one.”

Adrianna shook her head and poked at her. “She said nothing about you being her number one.”

“Stop stalling on me. And besides, it’s written in her face, in all the ‘I miss you’ kisses I got. Yup, number one. Now get to talking about all the sexiness that went on.”

“Well, let’s start with the big one. We are together.”

Lauren rolled her eyes. “No shit.”

“Do you want to hear this whole story or not?”

“Yes.” She leaned forward.

“I didn’t think I could let him in. Not after everything in our past and Bron. I was so scared that we could hurt her. But he convinced me. He accepted Bron, even without knowing the results of the DNA. He sees himself and his siblings in her. He treats her like a little queen and is so proud of her. You should have seen the way he told that reporter that she’s his and how he defended us to his mom.”

Lauren’s face scrunched up. “Sorry you had to face that witch. I hope Bron doesn’t have to be around her much. Ourprincesashouldn’t be subjected to her.”

“No, Cam assured me Mr. and Mrs. Blake won’t ever be around her.”

“God, I love Cam for that.” Her facial features relaxed and she sat back again.

“No more than he loves you.”

Lauren frowned. “Me? We haven’t gotten a chance to talk or anything.”

“It’s different now. You took his side on the argument to get us to New York and held the fort so I could go.” Adrianna paused to glare. “I forgave you for that, by the way.”

Lauren shrugged. “My niece needed to get to know her dad and my bestie needed to get laid. And it seems I was right. Because it was all kinds of yummy, sexy, and dirty. Correct?”

Heat flashed over her chest and Adrianna bit her lip. With anyone else, she would have been coy or not answer, but this was Lo. No sense pretending with someone that knew all therewasto know about you.