Page 21 of The Summer I Loved


He’d fucked up again.

Cam pushed the door to his East Side townhouse open only to be assaulted by the blaring music and the familiar female voice singing at the top of her lungs that she’s in love with the shape of someone.

“You do like Ed Sheeran!” Bron gasped behind him and it was all Cam could do not to swear out loud.

He took a step inside the foyer and turned to Adrianna. Recognition was written in her flat lips and the upward roll of her eyes. Cam sighed. This wasn’t going to be good. And why should it be? Things never went the way he needed them to. It would be nice, though.For once.

He wanted to take Bron’s hand to walk her in, and not just because he was afraid her mother would bolt, taking their child with her. He forced himself to step inside the living room where his sister lay on the couch, her iPad in hand, her foot draped over the back of the couch, still singing.

Luciana’s gaze landed on him and the smile bloomed on her face. She jumped off the couch and headed his way until her gaze drifted beyond him. She halted, spotting Adrianna, and her mouth twisted into a lemon pucker.

"Oh God, not you again! Why would you bring her here?"

"Trust me, the feeling is mutual," Adri snapped back.

Here we go again. The high school rivalry between both women materialized all over again.

“Lux, calm down. I need to tell you something—”

His sister cut him off. “What is there to say? You went to D.C. for an exhibition and stopped in Maryland to pick this one up. Like she didn’t mess you up enough the first time around.”

“It wasn’t…”

“He didn’t pick me up from anywhere. And I messed him up? You don’t know anything…” Adrianna muttered, her tone dry as a cup of sand.

Before Cam got the chance say anything, Bron stepped forward and extended her hand. "You must be Luciana. I'm Bronwyn."

Luciana took one look at Bronwyn, blanched, and backed away, plopping back down on the couch. "Oh, God. Oh. God."

Luciana’s eyes ping ponged from Bron to Cameron and back to the little girl.

"Is she okay?" Bronwyn asked him.

He nodded. "She’s fine. Just a little dramatic."

Adrianna scoffed, "You must mean a drama queen."

"Like Aunt Lo," Bronwyn said walking closer to her aunt. "But they were wrong. You don't have any warts and your skin is not green."

"Who told you I had warts?" Luciana snapped out of her shock and was on her feet all over again.

"Lux, we should get going before…"

His brother, Chase, stood at the top of the stairs looking down. His hair was over-grown, and a thick stubble covered his chin. It was his brother’s vacation look and Cam would bet his life he’d been staying over while he was gone. Chase walked down the steps, his gaze landing on Bron and then her mother. The smile was instant and irreverent. "Adrianna. Even more gorgeous today. How is that possible?"

He passed Cam like he wasn’t even there and headed for Adri, hugging her. Adrianna smiled genuinely for the first time that day. It made Cam’s mouth go sour. All he’d gotten from her were surgical or tiresome looks.

I guess all the fond smiles are for Chase today.

Chase turned and saw their little girl. "Well, you’re beautiful and I never forget a beautiful face. You are—"

"Obviously Cameron's child," Luciana spat.

Cameron sucked in a breath, his gaze snapping to his sister. “How did you know?”

Luciana waved an upward palm in Bron’s direction. “Look at her. She’s you.” She then turned feral eyes on Adrianna. She took a step forward, shoving a finger in Adri’s direction. “You had a baby by him and never told him? You’re…”