Page 20 of The Summer I Loved

"Are you listening to me? Am I talking too much?"

Eyes identical to his own blinked at him, a smile played on her lips. He doubted that there was another child in the whole world as beautiful as her. He shook his head.

"Atlantis is that awful place with the rides, right?" he asked.

Her eyes widened. "It's not awful. It's fun. Mama didn't like the rides and she stayed with Aunt Lauren by the poolside, but Uncle Nathan went on all the big rides with me." She lowered her voice and moved closer to him. "He even paid the guy to let me get on some of the ones I was too short for. Don't tell Mama."

"I already know," Adrianna said, looking away from the window and back at them. "I gave your uncle Nathan a piece of my mind after that." She leaned forward to be eye-to-eye with her daughter and asked, "How did you know Cam is your dad?"

Bronwyn looked down at the floor. "I heard you talking about it the night I found the magazine article about his paintings."

"When you were supposed to be asleep? I tucked you in! Oh my God, that's how you knew Cam was going back to New York. You eavesdropped on your Aunt Lo and me." Adrianna was so shocked that Cam wanted to laugh, but he strained to keep a serious face. He didn’t want to ruin the moment of levity or the fact that she was no longer looking like she wanted to puke on him.

"I also read your diary from that year," Bronwyn admitted. "You said you were shocked by the growing attraction between you and Cameron. He was a nuisance, a pest, and worst of all the town bad boy. You were kinda mad at yourself for liking him." His daughter turned to Cam, "What kind of bad things did you used to do?"

He looked from Adrianna's flushed face and then at his daughter's inquisitive one. "How about a nap?"

Bronwyn crossed her arms in front of her and gave him a look worthy of her mother when she was in a mood. "I'm nine not two."

"I…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that. I just thought you might be tired from the day." Cam worried he might have hurt her feelings.

"It's okay." She leaned and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to ask the flight attendant for a drink."

She got up from the seat and walked away. When he looked back, he found Adrianna staring at him.

"You're not going to make it. She is already playing you like a cheap guitar."