A look came over George’s face, and Freddie realized that his brother had discovered why exactly he didn’t like being referred to by another name when ‘no one’ was around.

“Do not read too much into whatever it is that you are thinking, brother,” Robert said warningly. “Allow me to explain first …”

“You weren’t alone!” George cried like a gleeful boy. “There was someone in there with you! Oh, do tell me who it was – I’ve always wanted to know household gossip, but no one will ever engage me because I’m the master of the house. And if you do not tell me, then I shall simply guess.”

“There’s no need to do that,” Robert reassured him. “It is not important enough to spend much time on.”

“I do believe that your ever-reddening cheeks are saying otherwise, Robert,” George teased him. “I’m assuming that it was a young woman, how exciting. And I take it that because you did not come out of the shadows, you were ...”

“Stop it,” Robert halted him good-naturedly. He knew that George was only pressing him because he was interested, not because he was trying to make fun of him. He still did not wish to let him know what was going on between him and Anne, however. It was so fresh and new that he didn’t dare ruin it with anyone finding out.

“Oh my, that’s quite the thing, isn’t it?” George teased him, smiling. “Now, as you do not wish to tell me, I shall simply have to guess who you could have been with.”

“Why are you doing this?” Robert said, trying to desperately hold in his laughter.

“Because this is the first time that I have ever heard anything about you showing interest in a young woman! I am thrilled for you, brother. Now, I cannot remember her name, but there is that young maid who I saw you making eyes at that one afternoon. Or perhaps it was one of the kitchen staff; I know that young Mary is quite an interesting young woman who I could certainly see you being with ...”

And yet again, a look came over George’s face that told his brother he had discovered exactly who it was he had been hiding with in the library.

“No!” George said, looking flabbergasted.

“I do not know who you are thinking of,” Robert said, trying to play things off as best as he could, “but I can assure you that it is not who you think.”

“It isn’t the very pretty, wildly intelligent and remarkable young governess that we have looking after our children, then?” George asked, crossing his arms in front of him.

Robert shook his head. “I cannot imagine why you would even guess that it was Anne. She and I have a purely professional relationship, one that …”

“You increased by telling her that you were to be the head of the children’s education and that she should report directly to you?” George asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Robert shifted uncomfortably on the bed. “I ... I was not aware that you knew that.”

George rolled his eyes and chuckled. “I keep tabs on everything, brother. Or should I say, I have three very loyal informants who I trust to the ends of the earth who let me in on all of the goings-on.”

George gave Robert a knowing look, and Robert sighed. “The children, of course. Have ... have they told you anything more?”

Robert thought of the conversation he’d had with Margaret regarding his feelings for Anne, and he hoped the little girl had kept her promise.

George shook his head regretfully. “Only the most boring parts, I’m afraid. Much like the staff, my children never indulge my need for household secrets. Please, Robert, won’t you tell me what is happening with you and Anne? I would be utterly thrilled if the two of you were to be together!”

The young property manager looked at his brother quizzically. “Why do you say that? I thought that you would be less than pleased for someone like me to be marrying Anne.”

Then it was George’s turn to look baffled. “Do you believe yourself to be better than her?”

“Oh no, quite the opposite,” Robert replied, waving his hands in front of him defensively. “No, I believe Anne to be the most remarkable young woman that I’ve ever met, and so I am concerned that I will not be able to live up to her standards.”

George chuckled and put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Robert, I am constantly surprised by your lack of self-confidence, and yet I understand precisely where it comes from. Our father, as we both know, tends to be very ... cruel. There is no better way to put it than that. But you must remember that he is only that way because he is a miserable, miserable man. You should never view yourself through our father’s eyes. He is not a man to be admired.”

Robert gave his brother a small smile and then looked away from him. There was no way he was going to let himself admit his feelings for a woman as well as cry to his brother in the same evening.

“Thank you, George. Your support throughout my life has meant ... more than you’ll ever know,” Robert said honestly.

“And so,” George continued, “That is why you should tell me of your plans for your relationship with Anne! Are you considering proposing? Have you already purchased a ring? You know that you are always welcome to have the ceremony here!”

“Slow down, slow down!” Robert gently chastised him. “We have barely begun courting, don’t start planning our wedding before we have even got to know each other.”

George narrowed his eyes and studied Robert. “And yet you were the one who was almost caught with his proverbial pants down with her in the study ... who is getting more ahead of themselves?”

Robert laughed out loud, and so did George. “You do have a point, my good man, you do have a point. No, Anne and I ... we have not really had the opportunity to truly get to know each other yet, now that we’re aware of each other’s feelings. We are, well, we’re actually meant to get together this evening while you, Eponine, and the children are…”

“You’re meeting tonight?!” George cried, springing up from the bed. “Eponine collected the children thirty minutes ago to get them dressed, and so Anne has been off ever since! Go, brother, go, do not waste a moment with her!”

Robert chuckled as George pulled him to his feet. “I will, I will … just allow me to affix this to your neck properly.”

“Oh yes, right,” George said, bending down so that his brother could put the neckpiece on him. When Robert had done it up as he believed it should, he turned George around to look in the mirror. He looked very pleased.

“Good thing I have you around,” George said, straightening his neck adornment. “Now, you can rest assured that from here on out, you shall simply be Freddie, my property manager, and I shan’t be referring to you as my brother again.”

“Thank you,” Robert said, patting him on the back and walking towards the door. He opened it and then called back, “Have a grand time tonight, George, and don’t let yourself get too distracted thinking about what we might be doing!”

Robert pulled the door shut as he heard his brother laughing and then turned around to come face-to-face with Anne.