But Robert didn’t need her to finish her sentence because he knew exactly what she needed to hear right now. “Anne, my darling, you are ... magnificent. You have taken my breath away, and if you tell me that you wish me to insert myself into you, I do believe that you’ll make me the happiest man on this earth.”

Anne giggled most adorably and then nodded. “I was hoping you would feel like engaging in that this evening.”

That made Robert want to explode right then and there. An animalistic desire to plunge deep inside her came over him, but he knew he had to control himself. Instead, he laughed and said to Anne, “Hoping that I would feel like that? Are you joking? I was PRAYING that you would be receptive to my advances, thank you my sweet.”

Having got that confirmation, Robert kissed Anne passionately once more. When he was on top of her, he slid his fingers in between her legs, and when he could feel her pearl of pleasure that he so longed to tease, he was excited to feel that it was already very wet. He paused kissing Anne, and she looked up at him, concerned.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked him. “I haven’t ever experienced that ... liquid coming from within me, I apologize if it is …”

“No apologies,” Robert growled. “All that tells me is that I’ve done a better job of seducing you than I thought and that you’re already ready to feel me penetrate you.”

Anne’s eyes widened, and she nodded excitedly, and so Robert drew away a bit. He took off the remainder of his clothes, fully exposing himself to her. When she laid eyes upon his bulging fullness, Anne looked pleasantly surprised once more. Robert took himself in his hands and gently stroked her reddening, engorged bud.

That made Anne moan even louder, and so Robert knew that it was his time to enter her. He placed his throbbing member right at the opening between Anne’s legs and was just about to thrust himself inside when suddenly there was a knock on his door in real life.

Robert opened his eyes in surprise, and because he was no longer concentrating on making himself wait until he was done with his fantasy to finish, he felt his euphoria spilling out of him. He tried to control it, but he knew that once it began, there was no way to stop it. He had to just lie there and let the pleasure crash into him like a wave as he quivered and convulsed. When it was finally done, Robert hastily cleaned himself up, but he did not say anything to whoever was on the other side of the door. He could not fathom having to answer the door in such a state.

A knock came again, but this one was quieter and less urgent. Robert held his breath and prayed that whoever was on the other side of it would just go away. After a moment, he heard footsteps retreating down the hall, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Whoever it was had obviously decided that the issue was not urgent enough to rouse him from the deep slumber that he must have been in.

Robert lay back in his bed, drenched in sweat from his fantasy, feeling satisfied but frustrated. He had so badly wanted to finish dreaming of being with Anne, but it did not really matter.

I will just have to wait until maybe one day, in the far future, after I have left this house and shown my true self to Anne, when we can be married and partake in that joyous union together. That will bring me solace for now ... but that is an awfully long time to wait!