Chapter 11

When Anne and Robert finished their meeting, they bid each other goodnight, and Robert retired to his room. The moment he closed the door, he put both of his hands over his face and flopped on his back onto the bed.

“You were so close to kissing her,” he cursed himself out loud, “and then you switched it over to fixing a lock of her hair? Did you not see how she was looking at you and how crushed she looked after you made that silly comment about how the hair was bothering her? You had one moment, one perfect moment to draw her lips to yours and show her just how you felt, and you ruined it!”

Robert threw his hands down onto the bed on either side of him, furious with himself. He knew why he hadn’t been able to go through with kissing Anne, of course; there was always a chance that she did not return his feelings for her. Although he did have some experience with courting some young women, Robert had not been very successful with any of them, and so his insecurities surrounding love and romance always reared their ugly heads at the most unfortunate times.

He pulled himself up out of bed and changed into his nightclothes. It was getting to be quite late, and so he quickly got beneath the covers and tried to force himself to go to sleep, but he couldn’t get his mind off of Anne. He tried to encourage himself to think of chaste things like a long journey on horseback through the forest, the plot of his favourite book, or even the tasks that he had to complete tomorrow, but nothing stuck. He couldn’t get the image of Anne’s face hovering right in front of his own, waiting for him to kiss her, out of his mind.

Finally, he decided there was no point in trying to fight it any longer. He closed his eyes tightly and thought of the image of Anne wearing her work clothes that fit her surprisingly well, her long, elegant legs making the skirt billow and fold as she walked, and the way her eyes seemed to stare directly into his soul each time they met.

Almost immediately, Robert felt himself becoming aroused. When he did, he opened his eyes and looked around the room. He knew full well that there was no one in the bedroom with him, but for some reason, he was concerned that someone was still hiding in the shadows. He did not want anyone to see what he was about to do.

When he was sure that no one else was with him, he began gently stroking himself, thinking about Anne. It was simple things at first; the way she looked at him when she didn’t think he noticed her, how she smoothed out the top of her dress when she finished teaching the children, the way that her waist was perfectly curved, begging him to put his hand upon it and pull her towards him ...

By now, he was so lost in his fantasy that when he began imagining Anne walking through the secret compartment from the next room, it felt very real. In his dream, Anne appeared through the cupboard wearing nothing more than her nightgown with her hair spilling down her chest very seductively.

“Anne,” he whispered, “whatever are you doing here? You know that we are not allowed to be in each other’s rooms.”

But Anne just gave him a sly smile and said, “I only came in here because I wanted you to give me a private lesson in arithmetic. Would you deny me such a request?”

Robert’s eyes widened, and he shook his head. “Absolutely not. Why don’t you come here, and I can begin with something ... hard.”

Anne let out the most charming giggle and then pressed her hand to her mouth to stop herself. “Begin with something hard? Shouldn’t you go a little easier on me, as we are just starting out? Or do you believe that I have been so well-behaved around you that I might be able to handle something hard?”

Robert let out an involuntary growl, and when Anne heard it, she bit her bottom lip and walked closer to him. She was now at his bedside, and the moonlight spilling through the window illuminated every curve and dip of her body. She looked as though she was practically glowing, and her ethereal body was calling to him. He sat up in bed and reached his hand out to her.

“Come here, and I will show you,” he whispered demandingly, and that seemed to be exactly what the Anne in his fantasy wanted to hear.

She crawled on top of him in bed, and when she had one leg on either side of him, she gently wrapped her fingers around his wrists and pinned his arms down. Robert’s vision started going blurry from his intense arousal, but he was still trying to hide how bulging he was.

However, the moment that Anne leaned forward and pressed her lips up against his, he was pressed right up against her. There was no way he could hide it anymore. He was so caught up in the fact that they were kissing, however, that he frankly couldn’t focus on how hard he was.

Anne’s lips felt like two warm, sultry cherries pressed up against him. He savoured every second that their lips met, and he wished it could go on forever. He had never kissed another woman, and he felt so lucky that his first kiss was with a woman as incredible as her. It was made even better by the fact that she was currently straddling him.

When Anne finally pulled away, she smiled blissfully down at him. “I’ve been waiting for so long to do that,” she said softly.

Robert nodded. “I have, too. I wanted you so badly from the moment I saw you walk through that cupboard.”

Anne giggled. “For the first time, or a few seconds ago?”

Robert laughed out loud, and then took Anne by surprise, lifting his arms from the bed and freeing himself from her ‘imprisonment’. He placed his hands upon her hips, pulled her up so she was poised right on top of his fullness, and then raised his eyebrows at her.

Anne gasped softly when he pulled her, but he could tell that it was not an unhappy gasp. When she was settled into her new position, her eyes widened, and she once again bit her lip.

“Is that ... did I make you ... are you really that ... big?” Anne hesitated in asking.

Robert chuckled deeply and gently thrust upwards. “Mhmm,” he growled softly and then slowly began running his hands up Anne’s chest. When they were resting just below her bosom, he stopped and looked her in the eyes. “This is all your doing, Anne.”

He winked at her and then looked down at her chest. He so desperately wanted to lift her nightdress, place his lips upon her nipple, and kiss while she pawed at his head, but he wanted to make sure that was what she wanted first. He looked back up at her and began to say, “Could I place my …”

But Anne had already taken his hands, guided them beneath her dress, and placed them upon her plump, warm breasts, and when she did, they both let out a collective moan. Robert could no longer control himself, and so he went ahead and pressed his lips to her nipples right through her nightdress. The moment he began sucking upon them, he briefly looked up and saw Anne lean her head back, close her eyes, and groan with pleasure.

Robert knew that he was doing well, and so he just continued kissing and sucking on her over her clothes. Anne seemed to be enjoying this immensely, and he knew that if they were going to do what they wanted before someone heard them, he had to act quickly.

When he was sure that Anne had enjoyed herself enough with her breasts, he gently pushed her over so that her back was pressed against the bed. Her hair splayed out onto the quilt, and her nightdress fell with the hem lying against her belly button. When they both realized that she was utterly exposed, their eyes met.

“I’ve never ...” Anne whispered softly, “No one has ever seen ... You’re the first to ...”