Robert’s eyes widened as though he’d forgotten she’d heard that, and then he chuckled. “I don’t suppose you heard what happened outside the door?”

Anne laughed. “Perhaps ... but before you left, you were in the middle of something very important, and I think that we should return to that.”

The young man nodded emphatically, forgetting his embarrassment and returning to his kneeling position on the floor in front of Anne.

“Anne,” he said softly, taking her hand. “I’m sure by now that you understand why I am in this position, is that right?”

She nodded happily, her heart starting to beat faster in her chest.

“So if I were to tell you that you are, without a doubt, the most incredible woman that I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know, that wouldn’t surprise you? How about if I were to tell you that if you did me the pleasure of becoming my wife, I’d spend every day showing you just how lucky I was to have you?”

By now, Anne’s eyes had filled with tears, and she had to put her hand to her mouth to stop herself from sobbing. Her whole body began to shake, and at first, she thought it might be from nervousness, but then she realized that it was out of sheer happiness.

“I ... I wouldn’t be surprised by that either,” she said quietly, looking deeply into the eyes of the man who she’d come to love more than anyone.

Robert’s eyes were tearing up too, but he looked slightly mystified by her answer. “Does ... does that mean ...?”

Anne let out a little giggle. “Could you just ask me properly so that I might be able to give you a proper answer?”

“Oh, oh yes,” Robert said as he laughed. She could tell how nervous he was because he was speaking quite quickly. He reached into the pocket that he had slid the ring into and pulled out a very simple but simply stunning ring. “Anne Watkins, will you do me the pleasure of becoming my wife?”

This brought forth a flood of tears, and Anne crumpled into Robert’s arms. He held her like that, sobbing out of happiness, for as long as she needed it. When she was finally able to catch her breath enough to respond to him, she kneeled on the floor with him and said, “Yes, yes wholly, utterly, and absolutely!”

Robert took her face in his hands, kissing her with all the pent-up passion that had been boiling inside them these last few months. Anne could hardly believe that she was lucky enough to be marrying a man as brilliant as Robert, and she was overjoyed about how she had been proposed to.