Chapter 15

Anne was so shocked to see Freddie coming out of Lord George’s room that she did not even recognize him for a moment. He was calling back to Lord George, but when she heard him refer to his employer by his first name, she was taken aback. Then, when he turned around and practically ran into her, she couldn’t help letting out a small yelp.

“Anne!” he cried, taking her by the shoulders to steady her. “I am so sorry! Are you all right?”

“Yes, yes,” Anne said, shaking her head as she tried to figure out what just happened. “I am just fine. What ... what were you doing in there? Why did you refer to Lord George by his first name?”

Immediately, all of the colour drained from his face. “I ... that is just a little joke between Lord George and me. I refer to him by his first name, and he refers to me as Robert, just like I was telling you a few nights ago! You see? A very strange but entirely understandable joke!”

Freddie began laughing, and Anne felt that she had to giggle or do something, so she chuckled. She didn’t get why that would be a funny joke between Freddie and Lord George, but she couldn’t yet understand why they would be calling each other such names. She decided to think about it later.

“And we were having a meeting in his room because he had to get ready for tonight, but we also needed to discuss some property matters. Otherwise, I would have never gone into his private chambers,” Freddie explained, now sounding more confident. “I am so sorry to have confused you like that. Are you finished with the children for the evening?”

Anne nodded slowly, still trying to process what Freddie was telling her. “Yes, I finished about half an hour ago, so I was coming up here to knock on your door and see if you were about, and you are! So that is wonderful.”

“That is wonderful, isn’t it?” Freddie said with a childishly adorable grin upon his face. “Would you like to go and wait in the entranceway until the family is set to leave? We can bid them farewell and then embark upon our evening together. I hope that you do not mind, but ... I have something planned for us.”

Anne’s eyebrow arched; she was impressed. “I would never mind someone having something planned for me, for I spend my whole day planning things for three children who take no notice of how hard I work.”

Anne chuckled at the end of her sentence, but Freddie looked more concerned. “I am very sorry to hear that the children do not show you the appreciation that you deserve, but I must tell you how ardently I admire all the work that you put into their care. It means the world to m … I mean, to Lady Eponine and Lord George. I know they are thrilled with how you have been caring for the children.

Freddie’s compliment made Anne feel very warm and fuzzy, so much so that the ends of her fingers and toes began to tingle. “Thank you, Freddie,” she said bashfully, and then hurried to change the subject. “I do believe that sounds like a wonderful idea. Shall we make our way down to the entryway?”

Freddie nodded, and then the two of them set off. Anne desperately wanted to hold his hand, but she knew that would be unwise.

What if someone were to see you? How on earth could you be so cavalier?

Instead, Anne satisfied herself by hanging her hands by her sides and feeling a thrill run through her each time she and Freddie gently grazed hands. At one point, she could have sworn that Freddie reached out one of his fingers and attempted to hold one of hers, but by that time, they were almost in the front hall. When they reached the entryway, they were glad to see that Eponine and the children were already down there, ready to go.

“Oh good, Freddie,” Eponine said upon seeing the property manager, “how much longer is George going to be? We really must be going now.”

“When I left him he was just …” Freddie began replying, but then George’s voice came from behind them and interrupted.

“I apologize my dearest,” George said, rushing down the hallway towards them. “I am not sure why that took me quite so long, but I am here now, and so we must be gone!”

“My thoughts exactly,” Eponine replied, and Anne could tell that she was more than a little annoyed by her husband’s lateness.

“But wait!” Amelie cried. “We have not shown our outfits to Miss Annie and Freddie yet!”

Eponine was beginning to look a little exasperated, but she let the children show off their fineries. She had dressed up each child so adorably that Anne could hardly handle them. Amelie was wearing a miniature red ball gown that Anne herself would have loved to wear if it came in her size. Margaret looked utterly charming in her pale yellow dress, and Andre was wearing a fine jacket and trousers that looked very similar to an outfit that George had.

“How magnificent you all look!” Anne cried, clapping her hands together. “And I cannot wait to hear all about your exciting evening, but for now, you must rush off so that you do not miss a moment longer! Goodbye, children!”

Anne and Freddie waved off the family, and when the door shut softly behind them, Anne felt her stomach fill with butterflies. She and Freddie were properly alone for the first time since they had admitted their feelings to each other, and he had something planned for them to do. She could hardly wait to see what it was.

“Now that we have bid adieu to our employers and their parents,” Freddie said, and Anne laughed, “shall we go off and have our own evening of fun?”

“I do believe that sounds like a marvellous idea, Mr Austen,” Anne said in a jestingly formal manner.

Freddie played along and presented his arm for her to place her hand upon. “My lady,” he said, gesturing to her hand. When she placed it as she should have, they took off together back down the hall in the direction they had come. She did not know where they were going but knew it would be something fun.

They ended up walking back towards the doors to the downstairs staff area, and when they got there, Freddie said, “I’d like to ask you to put on your sturdiest boots and your cloak, and then meet me out front. I do hope that you enjoy what I have planned for us.”

Anne smiled charmingly. “Whatever it is, it sounds like a great deal of fun, so I shall go with a great deal of haste!”

She hurried down the stairs, ran into her room, and grabbed the garments she required. She then ran back up the stairs and out the front door, struggling to put her cape on as she went. Anne was so excited she could hardly contain herself.

When she got out of the door, however, her jaw nearly dropped. There were two of the family’s horses out front, and Freddie was seated upon one of them with a basket in his hands.