Freddie stared at her, momentarily stunned, and for a terrifying moment, she thought he was going to run away. But then, a big, joyful grin swept across his face, and Anne’s heart positively soared. Freddie placed his hand against her cheek, looked deeply into her eyes once more, and then without saying anything more ... he kissed her.

For a moment, Anne was so moved by this gesture that her lips felt frozen. She just let Freddie press his lips against her, but when she was finally able to shake herself from her shock, she brought her hand up and drew Freddie in closer to her. She began moving her lips very gently, savouring every moment of their passion. His lips felt exactly like what she imagined, and she could hardly believe that he was really kissing her.

When they finally and reluctantly broke apart, they looked at each other and chuckled softly for a moment. Then, Freddie leaned forwards, rested his forehead against hers, and they both closed their eyes.

“I know that you said you were only ‘quite fond of me’,” Freddie whispered, “but I am very enamoured with you, and so I thought that it might be safe for me to do that. Was that all right?”

Anne nodded. “Yes, yes, it was. I was so, so hoping that we would kiss at some point, but I was so afraid to admit my feelings to you that I thought it was never going to happen.”

Freddie drew his head away from her and put both of his hands on her cheeks. “You were afraid to admit your feelings? I was terrified! You are the most remarkable woman that I have ever known, and the thought that you might return my feelings for you is absolutely extraordinary to me. I thought for certain that I was going to have to spend the rest of my life as a sad, loveless man who pined away for you long after we parted.”

Anne giggled once more, and then she and Freddie kissed again. This time, everything felt absolutely right; it felt to Anne like a key slipping effortlessly into a lock. Freddie removed one of the hands from her cheek and placed it chastely upon her hip, drawing her towards him. They kissed gently for another moment until something ignited between the two of them. Anne supposed that she must have started it because she nibbled Freddie’s lower lip ever so gently. When she did, however, Freddie drew in a sharp breath and let out a very, very quiet groan.

That made Anne more aroused than she had ever felt in her life, and so when Freddie moved his hand around to her back and pulled her in even closer, she let out a barely perceptible moan.

Freddie seemed to have heard it, though, because he quickly replied, “Anne, if you continue making noises like that ... I don’t believe I shall continue to be able to control myself around you. But I know that I must.”

Anne drew back for a second and said, “Oh yes, I agree that you must. Would you like to take a seat in that chair then, so that your legs don’t buckle out from under you when I do anything else?”

Freddie’s eyes widened, and he nodded very slowly. He went and took a seat in the chair very quickly, and then patiently waited for whatever Anne was about to do. Anne pondered how brave she was feeling for a moment, and then decided she would go all out.

She locked eyes with Freddie, walked over to the chair, and then climbed on top of him, her legs straddling him from either side. She placed both of her hands upon his neck and then agonizingly slowly pressed herself down upon him, right where she knew he wanted to feel her. He was not yet fully engorged, she could feel, but Freddie looked utterly seduced, yet he was obviously trying to control himself.

“I ... I was not joking with you, Anne,” Freddie whispered desperately. “If we continue to go in the direction that we are right now ... do you wish to ... I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to.”

Anne smiled mischievously. “That’s very considerate of you, Freddie, and I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. I am currently feeling very ... adventurous, so I would like to do anything and everything, but I know that I should control myself. I have never done anything like this before, but I know that I can trust you ... so how about we see where this takes us, without taking it all the way?”

Freddie smiled like a lovestruck young man. “Yes. Yes, yes, please,” he stammered, and Anne thought it was incredibly adorable how flustered he got when they began speaking about romantic advances.

With that, Anne pulled his face towards her, and they kissed again. Freddie wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him tightly, her corseted breasts pressing up against his chest. Freddie buried his fingers in her hair as they moved their lips in and out of each other, seeming to become more aroused by the second. Anne was no longer entirely pressed against Freddie, and she thought she should keep it that way, just for another few minutes, so that she could be pleasantly surprised by his full size.

However, after a few moments, Freddie pulled away from Anne and looked down at her chest. “May I?” he asked.

Anne nodded emphatically, and in one swift movement, he pulled down Anne’s dress, shift, and corset, and pressed her exposed breast to his mouth. Anne let out a louder moan than she had meant to, but it was not loud enough to cause any worry, and so she let herself completely enjoy the feeling of Freddie on her breast. He inserted her nipple into his mouth and then sucked, gently nibbled, and caressed it with his tongue.

Anne was beginning to feel so aroused that she was starting to lose the feeling in her fingertips. It was an odd sensation to experience, but not an unpleasant one. Even the corners of her vision were starting to go slightly fuzzy, but that was an utterly enjoyable feeling. It made her feel pleasantly shaky and out of control, a combination of sensations that she’d never had before.

Freddie now had one hand on the back of her neck, and with his other hand, he was fondling her other plump breast. Anne pressed her lips against Freddie’s forehead and rubbed her lower lip against him as she let out gentle gasps. And then, when he began gently thrusting himself up against her, Anne took in a sharp breath.

“You are ... you’re so ...” Anne whispered, unable to find the words.

Freddie let out a deep chuckle. “I hope that my size is to your liking, Anne. You’re the one who is making it throb.”

Anne let out another moan, and Freddie pressed himself against her, harder. She could hardly handle herself anymore. She was so excited by his motions and the feeling of him that she knew she had to do something more.

Anne pulled back and wrapped one of her hands around the back of Freddie’s neck. Using her arm as an anchor, she leaned back so that she could shift her pelvis forward. With her other hand, she slowly lifted her dress and underskirt until they were both pulled up around her hips. She was now completely exposed to him, and when Freddie laid eyes on her, his breath seemed to catch in his throat. He gazed upon her lasciviously.

“Anne, may I ... touch you?” Freddie asked hesitantly.

She nodded emphatically when he met her eye. And then, she gently pulled down his trousers with one hand, took his throbbing member in her palm, and responded, “So long as you’ll let me stroke you at the same time.”

That sent Freddie right up and over the edge. He placed one hand on the back of her neck and kissed her deeply, and with the other hand, he pressed his fingers against her dewy pearl and began ever-so-gently arousing her.

It was the most incredible feeling that Anne had ever felt in her life. It was as though Freddie had taken every good feeling and was focusing them all into that one spot between her legs. She began making noises she’d never imagined herself thinking into his mouth as they continued kissing.

She had to focus very hard to ensure that she kept stroking him up and down with increasing vigour so that she would not get entirely distracted by the waves of pleasure cascading up and down her body as Freddie encouraged more and more out of her.

After a few moments of this, Anne felt Freddie take one of his fingers and position it right at her opening. She let out a whimper to tell him how badly she wanted him to slip himself inside her, and he seemed to understand that non-verbal cue immediately. Freddie was inside of her with his finger in one swift motion, and Anne could no longer control what she was saying or doing.