Alfred arched an eyebrow at Anne. “MrAusten, you say? And what would Mr Austen’s first name be?”

“Fredrick Austen, but he prefers to go by Freddie,” Anne replied. Upon hearing this, Alfred laughed out loud. “What? What is so funny?”

Alfred continued laughing heartily for a little while, doubling over in his chair and holding his stomach. When he finally managed to collect himself, he wiped his eyes and said, “Thank you very much for informing me of his name, Annie. I now know that I have nothing to worry, as I could never lose my position to a man who requests to be referred to as ‘Freddie’.”

Anne tilted her head to the side and gently tut-tutted her friend. “Now Alfred, I know that you are feeling defensive about not being made aware of Freddie’s hire, but you cannot say something like that... to anyone else other than me.”

She winked at the older butler, who looked delighted that she had accepted his teasing. “In all seriousness, though, I cannot understand why this man was hired. He also does not seem like the type who would have sought out this position.”

Alfred knitted his fingers together once again, but this time he placed them atop his stomach and leaned back in his chair. “How so?”

“You should see the man, Alfred,” Anne informed him. “He is so upright, so rigid, and seems to be very well-bred. He and Lord George also seem to get along far better than one would have expected.”

Alfred narrowed his eyes and looked intently at Anne. “How peculiar. I shall have to take note of this young man when I am going about my duties, and I shall report back to you about my findings. Shall we re-convene here tomorrow after the children’s bedtime?”

Anne nodded, quite satisfied with this conversation. “That sounds simply marvellous, Alfred. I shall take my leave of you presently and will very much look forward to hearing what you think about him tomorrow.”

Anne rose from her chair and gave Alfred’s hand a loving squeeze. Alfred squeezed it right back. It was so comforting to Anne to have someone she felt she could be so completely open with, but at the same time, she could also come to him for advice. Alfred was not only her very dear friend; he was a father figure. Her own father had passed away when she was quite small, which made their relationship all the more meaningful.

As she walked back down the hallway towards the stairs, Anne contemplated what she would do regarding the family’s newest hire. She had already decided that she would discover the reason why Freddie had been hired in the first place, but now she thought that perhaps she should keep an eye on him, as Alfred was, to see if she could find any more hints to support her story that he was well-bred.

Yes, that is why I shall watch him. I certainly won’t be doing it because I want to admire his fine eyes or ethereal hair or broad stature. If I do happen to notice any of that, it will all be in service of discovering more about this mysterious man. It won’t be because I think that he has one of the loveliest faces I’ve ever seen... or will it?