“Where would have been the fun in that?” Peter asked with a shrug.

“I’m rather glad he didn’t,” Violette confessed, looking up to him with another of those teasing smiles. Something in Marcus broke at seeing that smile. He was tired of having to share Violette with everyone else and longed to have her alone with him again.

“If you would excuse me, you two, I wish to speak with my new wife in private,” he said dismissively to Peter and Laurie.

“Oh yes, speaking is exactly what you want to do,” Laurie teased, earning a glare from Marcus, though he could not deny it.

He easily took Violette’s arm and began to steer her out of the room.

“I take it you are eager to start that wedding night now?” she said, whispering to him as she placed her glass down on a table at the edge of the room.

“Is that a bad thing?” he asked, urging her out of the door.

“Not at all! But shouldn’t we wait a little bit?” she asked as they clambered the steps up to the top floor of the house. “Until some of our guests leave.”

“You think I want to wait now?” Marcus said with mischief as he passed a hand across Violette’s waist. She giggled and made a show of trying to escape him, rushing for her own bedchamber door. He followed her until he had her cornered against the door, with his hands braced either side of her on the wood. “Two months is a long time to wait to be married.”

“So it is,” she said. “That did not stop you trying to steal a few— mff!”

He cut her off again as he often did these days with a kiss, not that she seemed to mind, for her body came away from the door and pressed against his, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down toward her. The kiss sent off new stirring feelings in his stomach until they coiled somewhere much lower, urging a part of his body to rise for the moment. This time…their kisses were leading somewhere to a place unbidden, where he wouldn’t have to restrain himself or himself back out of propriety. They were married now, after all.

“Bedchamber?” she said as they parted from their kiss.

“Bedchamber,” he agreed and reached for the door handle beside her, turning it and pushing the door open so that they stumbled into the room together.

There were no candles to light the room, but the fire had been lit. With the seasons firmly shifted to autumn, the fire had been lit grandly for their wedding night, casting the room in strong amber hues.

Marcus turned Violette so that her back was to his front as they crossed the room, giving him the access that he needed to her gown. Her clothes came off first. The beautiful white gown, followed by the corset he was eager to get his hands on, pulling the ties free from her body.

“I cannot believe I never noticed you hiding under all those men’s clothes,” he muttered as he peppered kisses down her neck, drawing laughs and gasps of pleasure from her.

“Well, binding my breasts worked quite well.”

“The legs were on show!” He pointed out as he pulled at her skirt, just for a stolen touch of her thigh. She gasped again at the intimacy of that stolen touch.

“That one is on you for not noticing,” she teased him.

“I’ll notice everything now,” he said sensually as he pulled the corset free of her body. When she was left in nothing but her shift, she spun round and turned her attention to his clothes.

“Your turn,” she said.

They shared smiles as he helped her to take off his clothes. The cravat went first, followed by the waistcoat and the shirt. As his chest was exposed to her, she began to run her fingers over his chest. He tipped back his head, feeling a moan escape his lips at the touch. It started out gentle at first, purely exploratory, before she grew bolder, and the hands became firmer as she lowered them down to his stomach and reached for the flap of his trousers.

“I love how bold you are,” he said in a whisper as she began to undo them.

“I do not particularly know what I am doing,” she confessed, looking up at him with a blush spreading across her cheeks. The sight of it made him smile and lean down toward her a little more.

“We can discover together.”

He kissed her fiercely until their lips were locked together. The trousers didn’t last long and were hastily removed, shimmied down his legs and kicked free along with his boots. He backed her up toward the bed, pulling the shift free of her body.

“If only you had gone swimming with me that day,” he said as he tossed the shift somewhere across the room, not caring to look where it landed.

“Ha! You think I could have done that? What would you have said?” she asked as he lowered her back down to the bed.

“I could have invited you into the water with me still,” he said, winking at her as he crawled over her on the bed.

“I was quite happy with the view that I had that day, thank you,” she said, her eyes drifting down his body.