Unable to bear her curiosity, Violette peered her head around the archway, the better to see the brothers together.

“Ha! You do not know, do you?” Peter asked. “Good god, everyone in this family is as blind as each other.”

“What are you on about?”

“Well, that or I am sorely mistaken, but I think that unlikely based on Marcus’ current behaviour.”

“Peter, you’re not making any sense.”

“Come on,” Peter said, wrapping an arm around his brother’s shoulder. “I will give you a few more clues over a game of backgammon.”

As the two hurried off toward the drawing room, Violette sighed with relief and stepped out into the entrance hall. It didn’t seem to matter to her anymore that Peter could well know her secret. She had to get out of there before anyone saw her.

When she heard another set of footsteps, the whistle that followed told her exactly who was coming, and this was someone she could bear to be seen by. The butler appeared, whistling away before he stopped and looked down at Violette carrying her trunk.

“Is all well, Mr Blake?” he asked with concern.

“Forgive me,” Violette said hurriedly. “But would it be possible to arrange a carriage to take me into town? Just the short journey, and…if it could be kept quiet, please? I would be very grateful.”

“Of course, Mr Blake,” the butler said, stepping forward and taking the trunk out of her hands. “Let me carry that for you. You’ve always been kind to me, and one good turn deserves another.”

“Thank you, that is very kind of you,” she said with a small smile.

“This way, we’ll go out the back and into the stable that way,” the butler said, beckoning her toward the servants’ quarters. She thanked him again and hurried along behind him, relieved he seemed to have understood her urgency for this to be quiet. “If I may ask,” he said as they stepped out into the stable courtyard. “Does someone know of your departure? I would hate for Lord Northrive to be disappointed that you have left.”

“One knows of my departure,” she said quietly, thinking of Lady Helen. “As for Lord Northrive, rest assured. He will be pleased I am gone.” The thought of the anger flashing in his eyes when he realised she was Lady Violette was enough to scar her for life. There was no chance he wanted her in that house anymore.

“Very well, Mr Blake. This way.” The butler beckoned her to follow as they hurried into the stable yard.

The smallest carriage was set up, just a two-seater carriage that could take the narrower tracks out of the house which meant they wouldn’t have to pass down the main drive and be seen by those in the drawing room. Once the trunk was buckled in and Violette was ready to clamber up, Violette turned to the butler and shook his hand.

“Thank you. I cannot explain my gratitude for your help this morning.”

“Think nothing of it, Mr Blake,” the butler said kindly. “I hope you have a good journey.”

The words stuck in Violette’s head as she climbed into the carriage, for she did not worry so much about the journey as about where she was heading.

“If you do see Sherborne again, will you tell him something from me?” she asked as the carriage pulled out of the stable.

“Of course,” the butler called after her.

“Tell him I’m sorry.”