Dodging the invitation had been difficult, but now she faced another challenge. Her increasingly red face as she watched Lord Northrive dive into the water, completely nude. She was busy tracing the exposed muscle of his chest, much more carved than she had expected it to be when he appeared back above the water, pushing back his dark hair with his large hands, displaying the muscles of his arms.

Her mouth went dry, and her lips parted as he dived back under the water again, flashing athletic legs and his rear that made her gulp in surprise.

“If I faint, I will not know if it is because of the heat or something else,” she muttered to herself, craning her neck to get a better look as her eyes followed Lord Northrive around the water.

After a minute, her imagination went wandering. The dream was a delightful one that was sending thrills through her body. She could picture herself in the water with Lord Northrive, but though they started out swimming together, stolen touches grew bolder until he took her in his arms and began to kiss her, their bodies coming together under the water. The brush of their skin together would make her wrap her legs around his hips as he moved his body toward hers, bringing their centres nearer to one another in a tantalising hint of what they could be sharing.

“Are you sure you will not come in?” Lord Northrive’s call to her broke the imagining for just a minute.

“I am sure, my Lord,” she called back, feigning interest in basking in the sunlight instead, though the moment he returned to swimming, her thoughts turned back to the imagining, thinking of what they could share next. She was creating a world where he was kissing her down her neck, moving her centre nearer to his under the water, until his length was brushing her opening, and then….

“There you two are. We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Peter’s voice made Violette snap her head round. He was looking most amused as Laurie appeared at his side.

“Swimming? Thank god!” Laurie ran forward and began to undress, eager to be a part of it.

“I should have known you two would spoil the peace,” Lord Northrive shouted back at them.

“Not coming in, Mr Blake?” Peter asked, already tossing off his own cravat.

“No, I am not comfortable with water,” Violette said in a lie, watching as he smirked.

“Funny, I thought you might say something like that.” He laughed under his breath and then turned back to the water. As the brothers joined Lord Northrive, Violette shifted on the rock, growing more and more nervous in thinking that perhaps her secret had been discovered after all.