Chapter 14

“Oh my…” Violette gasped as she clambered down out of the carriage.

“Welcome to the Northrive estate!” Lord Northrive said, already having jumped down from the carriage. He strode forward with his arms outstretched, gesturing to the house.

Violette couldn’t stop the smile that overtook her cheeks, for it was a fine manor indeed, with ivy crawling up the old grey-stone walls and turrets set around the edges, built in an old style. Even the doors were made of old oak, bolted and pinned with black iron, and the windows framed in diamond shapes lined with lead. On either side of the driveway, there were lime trees with the large heart-shaped green leaves hanging over their heads, their small pink flowers blooming between the leaves.

“I don’t think I have ever seen such a house before,” she said, following Lord Northrive forward. There was a bump behind her, and she turned her head back to see Sherborne pulling her trunk down off the back of the carriage, looking around himself at the house with equal wonder.

“Well, well, what have you brought home?” a voice said, urging Violette to look toward the old oak door bordered with ivy. Lord Walter Catling was standing in the doorway, urging Violette to lower the hat down over her forehead in fear that he would recognise her.

“Walter,” Lord Northrive said, stepping forward. “Come, come meet my new friend. This is Mr Victor Blake.”

Lord Catling strode out of the house and outstretched his hand for Violette to shake.

“So, you decided to bring something of London back with you, did you?” Lord Catling said with a smile, turning to look at his brother.

“Indeed, I did,” Lord Northrive said.

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr Blake,” Lord Catling said, releasing Violette’s hand.

“And you, my lord,” she said.

“I trust everything has been well since I have gone?” Lord Northrive asked with evident concern.

“Look how frightened you are!” Lord Catling said with a laugh. “You think I would let it go to wrack and ruin whilst you were away?”

“Not in the slightest.”

“Come, let us get your drink after your journey.”

As the two men walked into the house, Violette went to follow, only to have Sherborne poke her in her back with the trunk.

“Ow, what was that for?” she said in hushed tones, turning to him with accusing eyes as they walked toward the house together.

“You have come to a house full of men where you could quite easily be found out, and you ask me what that was for?” Sherborne said with a humoured smile. “Well, it might certainly be amusing to see you discovered here.” She swiped him across the arm in reprimand. “Ow!”

“You deserved that one.”

“Mr Blake?” Lord Northrive poked his head back out of the door. “Come on in.”

“I’m coming,” she called after him and walked ahead.

“You’re playing with fire,” Sherborne muttered behind her.

“Do be quiet.”


As they prepared for dinner, Marcus was struggling to concentrate. He was standing in the drawing room with Walter and Mr Blake nearby, whilst Peter and Laurie were laughing and saying goodness only knows what jests for their own amusement. Marcus could not concentrate on the laughter, though. He had arrived home to find a letter from his father who had said quite clearly that it was high time Marcus turned his attention to marriage, now that he was back from London.

“I will not accept any more delays.” That was what the Marquess had said in his letter, leaving Marcus jittery. The last woman he had attempted a love affair with had ended catastrophically. She had torn up his heart as though it were used parchment and had trod on it on her way out the door. Why would he want to put himself through that again? No, he would infinitely prefer spending time with friends instead, like Mr Blake.

“You are in a heavy mood tonight,” Mr Blake said, moving to his side. “What would be for the best? Should I ask you what concerns you so? Or would it be better for me to distract you instead?”

The corner of Marcus’ lips turned up into a smile, already feeling cheered by Mr Blake’s conversation.

“Distraction,” he answered.