Richard shook his head, heaving the spare bottle from the ice bucket, while the bartender popped open the other. “Shit, Lana, you didn’t tell us you knew Marcus McGrath. Those bottles are like four or five hundred pounds each.”

“There’s plenty more where they came from, we are under strict instructions to give Ms. Craig whatever she desires this evening, courtesy of Mr. McGrath.”

Her heart melted, turning into a mush of blood and goo that seeped through her rapidly pumping veins. Lana didn’t want his generosity, she just wanted him, and the thought of spending his money didn’t sit easy with her while she wore Rory’s ring.

“That won’t be necessary, the champagne is more than generous,” she said, then smiled politely as the bartender nodded.

They all tried the champagne, even Richard, and then Ronny when he finally arrived. It was a decadent gift, and every sip of the sparkling golden liquid reminded Lana of him; if that was his intention, it worked.

The truth was, she couldn’t stop thinking about him, regardless of his thoughtful presents or the fact she was getting married to another man.

She recalled their first kiss, their first touch and the first time he looked at her like there was no other woman in the world. The guy clearly had his charm tactics perfected and polished.

Having eaten and drank to excess, Richard staggered to the bar to get the bill. He returned empty-handed. Their entire bill had been settled by Mr. McGrath over the telephone.

A tall doorman dressed in a black knee-length coat swaggered up to the girls like he’d pumped weights during his break, his elbows pointing outward and his shoulders pulled back.

“Which one of you ladies is, Ms. Craig?”

Amanda planted her finger on Lana’s cheek. “Her. This little minx with the ring on her finger.” She swayed into Lana and giggled.

“I’ll escort you to the car, Ms. Craig. A driver is waiting to take you home.”

“What do you mean? I didn’t order a taxi.” Her brow furrowed.

“Mr. McGrath gave the order to ensure you got home safely.” He stood there patiently. “He arranged for a town car. It’s waiting right outside.”

“Right,” she whispered. “A town car. I can just as easily get the bus home.”

“No, Ms. Craig. Mr McGrath was very clear in his instructions.”

“Come on, Lana.” Amanda shunted her hip into Lana’s. “It will save the fare home. I’ll hitch a ride with you.”

“Okay. Can we drop my friend home first please?”

Without hesitation the man nodded and replied, “Of course, Ms Craig. Whatever you need.”

As the car rolled through Belfast, heading North, Lana gazed out at the shimmering city lights, wondering what Marcus was doing now and who he was with.

How could she have such intense feelings for a man she barely knew. It was purely sexual, there wasn’t anything else to it.

But the real question remained—should she marry Rory when her mind is running wild within a dream?