That wasn’t quite the declaration of love and desire she had hoped for, but Rory wasn’t the best at expressing feelings, so she left it at that.

Slivers of marbled cheesecakes and a ramekin of molten chocolate sponge cake arrived shortly after their meal, followed by petite pastel macaroons.

The sumptuous chocolate tasted blissful alongside the deep cabernet sauvignon suggested by the waiter, which stained her lips a luscious berry red.

Rory fell silent, his eyes followed her hand as she tasted the treats, then, as if in slow motion, he pulled out a small black box from his blazer pocket and flicked it open.

“Lana, you already share my home, so why not share the rest of my life. Do you want to get married?”

Holy shit!

“Rory!” she gasped, staring at the modest trio of sparkling diamonds embedded on a gold band. “You want to get married?”

He smirked and waggled the box. “It would be a pretty shitty joke to ask and not mean it, babe.” As he grinned, the light sparkled in his eyes.

Diners turned in their direction, anticipation lingering, magnifying her answer under a spotlight so bright it blinded her. A flush of hot blood scorched her neck to her cheeks.

If it were two months ago, she would have prized the ring out of his hand without hesitation. But tonight, her heart faltered and the overwhelming decision clouded her mind.

Rory’s expression morphed from excited to apprehensive in the silence.

When she first met Marcus, he asked if she intended to marry Rory, and at that point, she wasn’t one hundred sure. The question rolled about in her mind without a definitive answer.

Now, here she was, with an engagement ring in the middle of the table and Rory waiting patiently, deserving a quick response.

Truthfully, she loved him, and that would never change. He was offering his fidelity, and willing to share the rest of his life with hers.

The facts were, Marcus was simply a handsome stranger. Something to crave outside of the realms of a committed relationship. The forbidden. Temptation. A test of willpower.

He hadn’t offered anything and never would. The future was clear, and Marcus wasn’t in it, well physically anyway. He’d already proven to be unforgettable, but Rory was here, with a gorgeous diamond ring and his heart set out for all to see.

“Yes!” She removed the ring from the velvet box and slid the cold gold band onto her finger, instantly feeling its weight.