Her heart jumped. “I didn’t have sex, Rory, if that’s what you mean?” she blasted, feeling a wave of guilt swell in her chest.

His eyebrows shot up and he reached out to stroke her arm. “Babe? Are you pissed at me?”

Lana shuffled her hips around to face him. “Rory, did you have sex with that doll girl?”

“Doll?” He snorted. “Yes, Lana, I did. But that’s why we went there, so we could experiment with different partners. You knew that. I really thought you would have embraced it more. I feel like a dick now.”

Lana inhaled in a gust, feeling her eyes glitter with tears. She didn’t want to cry, but the whole situation felt like one big confusing mess.

Before her, sat her man, who loved her but how could he truly love her when he wanted to be with other women? “Did you enjoy it?” her voice cracked.

Rory fidgeted with the towel, loosening it from the tight grip around his waist. “Babe, I can tell this is upsetting you, perhaps we shouldn’t get into it.” He sighed lightly.

Her temper snapped. “Did you fucking enjoy it, Rory?” she yelled. “You made a promise that we would be honest with each other.”

Rory lowered his eyes, barely shaking his head. “Look, Lana, it was a one-night stand. Of course it was exciting. It’s what we both signed up to. C’mon, babe.”

A tear trickled down her cheek, and Rory swept it up with the pad of his thumb. Grasping her hair, he nudged forward and pressed his lips over the next fallen tear.

His mouth caressed her salty streaked cheek, his long eyelashes fluttering as he left a trail of tiny kisses.

“Did you kiss her, too?” she barely croaked.

Rory exhaled slowly, his breath warming her damp skin. “Yes, babe, but not like this, not with meaning,” he muttered before slamming his lips to hers again. His hungry mouth devoured her.

Pulling away, he gazed at her under hooded lids. “I want to imagine you getting fucked, Lana, tell me you did, please.” His voice turned thick and hoarse and his eyes swam with a sudden rush of lust.

“I didn’t, Rory. I swear I didn’t.” I wanted to. I wanted to be with Marcus McGrath, but he sent me home.

“I know, babe. I believe you. Pretend,” he whispered. “Just tell me someone fucked you, Lana.”

Her head lowered as he sucked and licked her earlobe. “I can’t, Rory. I can’t.”

“Make it up.” He urged.

The hot tingle that surged over her skin when Marcus had put his lips to hers was glaringly absent when Rory kissed her in the same way he always had.

She wanted to please him, to create a fantasy that blew his mind. In the end, they both came home to each other, back to their life together.

“Yes, Rory, he fucked me hard, so hard.”

“Oh, Lana,” he growled.

She opened up the Marcus McGrath folder from her archived memories and spilled out the explicit description of what she wished he had done to her.

An intense heat burst over her skin, swelling her sex, driving her wild. She imagined Marcus taking her in the elevator and let the idea escalate, bringing her to the edge of climax.

Within a few seconds, Rory discarded his damp towel, hoisted off her pyjama bottoms and plunged his thick hardness into her heat.

Lana forced her mind to reconnect with the reality of her situation. She was with Rory, not Marcus. Grabbing his slender hips, she shunted him deeper inside her.

A fierceness gleamed in his molten eyes, forcefully pounding into her, his hand stretched up and seized her neck. Shunting her forward, Lana’s head slid off the edge of the sofa, her vision of the room upside down, his fingers slowly tightening around her throat.

“You like that?” he growled, each finger pressing against the racing pulse in her jugular.

Her eyes bugged, sensing Rory was getting off on his new power kick. Hearing his shallow pants and grunts made her feel disconcerted.

This wasn’t Rory, this wasn’t how they usually made love. This time, he was rough and aggressive, minus his usual tender and respectful ways.