Lana sauntered to the bar, pulled out a ten pound note and set it on the counter. The bar girl slid the cash away. “Same again?”

“Yes please.” She wondered if one more drink would put her lights out for the night.

Much to her dismay, she noted the gin bottles were aptly named ‘McGraths’. Now she was forced to think about Marcus again, not that he had left her thoughts since their dirty little encounter.

She wanted to put him out of her head, to the back of her mind, locked away in a file of memories that would fade as each solitary second without his lips passed.

The persistent tingle between her legs grew stronger with every replay of his sensual kiss. She was so turned on and it was Marcus who had awoken her excitement, making her feel crazy and daring.

Couples huddled in the shadows, sparking mutual interest before racing to the reserved rooms in The Fitz Hotel above. Neither Rory nor Janice were anywhere to be seen.

Marcus was right, Rory didn’t care about who she was with or what she was doing. Then it hit her like a steam train. All this time, she’d been consumed with thoughts of Marcus McGrath without giving a second thought for Rory’s whereabouts, or the fact he was currently having sex with a complete stranger.

Rory was openly cheating on her, as agreed. After her run-in with Marcus, she was sexually revved up and unbelievably frustrated.

Perhaps Rory was right—this could be fun with the right guy. Maybe she just needed to find someone who fitted her brief list… but absolutely not that hot sexy smug asshole, Marcus.

Tall but not lanky– Similar height to Marcus

Dark hair – He had shiny jet black hair…that smelled of exotic spices

Hot – Physically attractive and hot-blooded… Marcus was clearly both

Well built – Some muscle definition would be adequate… Marcus looked like he had them in abundance

Funny – Was he funny?

Clean – His scent was intoxicating

Good teeth – He had perfect, straight white teeth

Below forty – He didn’t look forty…but then age is just a number, right?

Knows how to kiss – Jeez, Marcus sure knew how to kiss…

Stop thinking about Marcus bloody McGrath, the undisputed seducer of all women.

She felt disgusted with herself. How could she give in to such a man, knowing she was just another of his conquests?

He knew he had the ability to seduce her, and that’s exactly what she allowed him to do.

After deliberation, she realised that Rory didn’t meet her entire list of sexual partner requirements. Yes, he was tall with teeth perfected by train track braces when he was a teen and sometimes he could be really funny, too, but his auburn cropped hair scattered with a shimmer of gold against pale freckled skin didn’t exactly fit the bill. His athletic build was more lean than muscular.

Despite scoring a six out of nine, Rory was good to her, they loved each other and one day she would marry him. If he thought this experience would be good for them, to grow sexually and bring more fun to the bedroom, then she would go along with it.

Why the hell not?

Lana sipped from the long stem glass, eyeing the remaining members. Most of the men appeared well over forty and those who looked younger were in the clutches of horny women. She sighed into her glass.

From her left a tall man joined her at the bar. Light creases framed kind chocolate eyes and grey flecks scattered through sable hair, making her think he was possibly in his early forties.

Nevertheless, he was handsome and suave, in a pale blue shirt that gripped a sporty physic. She wondered if age really mattered in a place like this and recalled Janice’s advice on the older man with more experience.

Is that why Marcus was so skilled and sexy and attractive and hot?

“Hey, sweetheart.” He held out his large hand. “Can I sit with you?”