Her lips parted and she sucked in a sharp burst of air. “Hell no. I’ve fallen for…” She gulped in a gust of air as Freddy slapped his hand over his mouth.

“You really do love him,” he squealed, clapping his hands together repeatedly.

Lana lowered her eyes, afraid she had cursed herself by daring to even think it. “Please, Freddy, I beg you, do not tell Marcus.” She pressed her palms to prayer position. “It’s way too soon to know what this is, never mind talk about the L word.”

“Oh, honey, my lips are sealed. Although I’m guessing the feeling is mutual; otherwise, we wouldn’t be standing here together.” He winked and poured the orange juice.

Lana was skimming the fluffy clouds. The idea of a man like Marcus being in love with her was absurd, there was no way on earth he would settle for someone like her.

The phone buzzed again, a text message appeared.

‘Please pick up. Please.’

Her heart plummeted, breaking her euphoric daydream. Rory had never been one to express his emotions, but she could tell he was suffering.

Freddy flicked his wrist, waving his hand at the phone. “Just call him. Put the poor sod out of his misery.”

Lana knew he was right. The longer she delayed the inevitable, the harder it would be. She owed it to herself to put their relationship behind her, whether she and Marcus were a long-term item or not.

The phone buzzed again. He was certainly persistent in his pursuit. Taking a slow deep breath, she answered.

Freddy strolled past her, winking in support.

“Rory, can I call you back, I’m…”

“Fuck, Lana, I’m in so much shit right now. I really need your help,” he interrupted. “This is crazy shit, Lana. I swear it wasn’t me.” His voice trembled.

“What wasn’t you, Rory?” The hairs on the back of her neck pricked.

“I didn’t kill her, I didn’t kill, Jax – well, I didn’t mean to if I did. Oh, I don’t fucking remember,” he croaked through raspy breaths.

Killed? Someone was dead?

Lana’s breath caught, her thoughts spinning out of control. “I don’t understand. Who is Jax, and how were they killed?”

“Look, Lana, I need to see you face to face. I’m hiding out in a mate’s house, but I need to get to the bottom of this before the police get to me, or worse. I just need a fucking chance to prove that it was an accident. I just can’t remember.”

Lana’s head dropped, she knew she would have to leave the sanctuary of the coach house. Rory needed her and there was no way she could tell Marcus or have him involved in any way.

He was a well-known business man who didn’t need to be associated with a scandal of this magnitude.

“Why can’t you go to the police and tell them what happened?” she demanded, unsure how she alone could help.

“Lana… will you help me, please? I didn’t murder her. I woke up, and she was…” The tremor in his voice made her heartbeat thump in her throat. “She was so cold. Her eyes were open, just staring at me, but she wouldn’t answer. It was just me and her, alone in the room. Oh fuck, Lana. Please, babe.”

His last word was like a flame thrower, scorching her skin. She used to love that endearing expression, but now it made her nerves stand on edge.

A woman was dead, and Rory was the suspect.

“Please, Lana, I’m begging you. Help me sort this shit out,” he pleaded.

First things first, she needed to get supplies from their house, his house. Then walk him through the whole sordid incident and try to piece it together.

If that failed, she would force Rory to hand himself over to the police. He had to, he was the only suspect to a homicide.

“Okay, Rory. I’ll head home and get some of your stuff together. Text me the address of where you’re staying, and I’ll meet you there.”

Freddy sashayed back into the room as she ended the call. Bile stung the back of her throat as she tried to swallow. Dropping from the stool, she stood and pressed her hands on the counter to balance herself.

“What’s wrong, honey? You’re deathly pale.” Freddy drew close to her side.

Her eyes misted. “I’m sorry, Freddy. I have to leave immediately. I’ve just received some distressing news. I need to get back to the city.” Her words cracked as the realisation of Rory’s predicament settled.

“Of course, but I won’t let you drive on an empty stomach. Please sit for a few minutes to catch your breath and have a bite to eat. I’ll pack some of this up for you in a hamper.” He patted her shoulder gently, but she turned and threw her arms around him.

She needed Marcus, his strength and his confidence, but she couldn’t tell him about Rory—unless he already knew.