Lana’s forehead dropped against his broad shoulder in defeat. She rocked against him, secretly enjoying the sensation of his long fingers as they traced her sensitive skin.

Can I really let him do this? I’m supposed to be Rory’s girl.

Ultimately, the expensive membership was for sexy scenarios, yet this situation felt forbidden. This guy was the owner, a serial womaniser who took pleasure in taking women and, seemingly, taking women who didn’t belong to him.

Her head spun, the desire to have his sinful fingers inside her was agonising, confusing and needed.

“Please stop,” she whimpered, unsure if she actually wanted his gratifying torment to stop or continue.

Her body was responding to Marcus in a way she never imagined possible. The unbearable throbbing between her legs was driving her over the edge of sanity.

She willingly melted into his hard body, thankful he didn’t relent as requested. A finger finally dipped inside, giving her exactly what she craved.

Lana panted wildly as electricity jolted to her core. She never had this heady reaction when Rory touched her there.

“Marcus.” Her arms wrapped his neck and her bag thudded to the floor. “Holy, shit!”

“You feel so good.” His voice arced through the silence, capitulating tingles from her scalp to her toes.

There was no mission of stopping him now. The need to have his hands on her skin overruled the fact she was already someone else’s.

His touch felt known to her, like they were meant to connect, to be together, even though they had only just met.

Marcus continued to pulse his fingers while his lips took hers with a violent passionate kiss. He tasted amazing and his hunger only added to her already heightened arousal.

She hung on to him, pressing into his chest. His skilful thumb kneaded her throbbing nub and her insides greedily clenched his fingers. She was rising higher and higher, feeding off the crazed lust that brought her to an earth-shattering release, shuddering into him.

Her cheek nestled into the rich material of his tight shirt as she tried to regain her ragged breathing.

Those powerful fingers of his fell away and he tugged down her dress like it was a routine exercise. Her palms rested on his shoulders, steadying herself as she tried to collect her thoughts.

He dragged his wet fingers over her bright pink lips, teasing her tongue, then he raised them to his own mouth and sucked.

“Don’t break the rules, and we won’t have to discuss dissolving your contract again,” he said with a huskiness that made her heart rate soar all over again. “Good night, Ms. Craig.” He threw her a lopsided smirk and unravelled her arms.

Her hands balled, her body tensed. The cocky asshole made her climax in mere seconds and then bid her goodnight only seconds after.

She observed him closely, eyeing his confident gait as he sauntered to the office door, pulled it open and tapped his fingers on the solid wood.

His gaze was distant, drawn to the corridor outside of the room. Lana snatched her bag from the carpet and marched out of his office. She hesitated, looking over her shoulder, staving the urge to hurl an array of profanities at him.

“Goodnight, Mr. McGrath.” She lifted her chin high and strutted off with as much courage as she could find in her unravelled composure.

“Lana…” he called after her. “It’s my club and my rules. Break them again and you’ll have me to deal with.”