Frowning, she set her phone down and took his hand. “Is that something you’re worried about?”

He was silent for a moment, long enough to make her worry. “Sometimes, maybe a little? I think maybe…” He sucked in a breath. “Fucking up is what I’m used to. It’s what I know. Feels weird to be on a different path.”

She gave his hand a squeeze. “But you are on a different path. You learned from your mistakes and chose differently for yourself. Plus, you’ve got me. And not every recovering addict has Kayla Bristowe in his corner.”

He tugged her closer and planted a kiss on her mouth. “They’d better fucking not.”

She laughed and her phone chimed again. It was probably Lauren or Willa texting with questions or details about this weekend. Tomorrow morning, they were headed to Manhattan for Lucian and Olivia’s wedding, and she was excited to see her friends. And Sebastian, as Lucian’s best man, was looking forward to seeing his family. He’d been talking about it for weeks now, even though he’d decided to forgo the bachelor party that Max had thrown for Lucian given that it had been a weekend in Vegas. They’d offered to change their plans in order to accommodate him, but he’d refused, wanting Lucian to have the bachelor party he’d always wanted.

To Kayla, that showed just how much progress he’d made. The old Sebastian would have just gone to Vegas, deluding himself that he could handle it and that everything would be fine. But this Sebastian, the one who was committed to sobriety and therapy and trying to be a better person, had known immediately that he couldn’t go and face all of that temptation. She was proud of him.

She was a tiny bit disappointed when she glanced down at her phone and saw that it was just her period tracking app and not her friends. Sebastian rose from the couch and headed for the kitchen to add more chips to their bowl and she clicked on the notification.

Have you gotten your period yet? According to your calendar, you’re 10 days late.

Kayla stared at the message, panic and confusion and disbelief churning through her. She was never late. Never. And she was on the pill. There had to be a logical explanation.

There was no way she was pregnant. Yeah, they’d talked about it, but only as an eventuality. In the future. Not now. Yes, she wanted to have kids with Sebastian, and she knew he wanted to have kids with her, but she was on the pill.

But ten days late…well. That was unusual, to say the least.

She looked down at her phone again and stared at the message. Ten days late. She took a breath and took stock of her body, looking for any signs that her period was imminent. No cramps. No bloating. No insane chocolate cravings.

Well. Scenarios swirled through her mind as she swiped the reminder away, all of them making her stomach flutter and her heart race. It was late, and she didn’t have time to go buy a pregnancy test and wouldn’t before they left for New York first thing tomorrow morning. It’d have to wait until they were back in Manhattan, and in all likelihood, her period would show up by then.

She’d wear white pants on the plane and not pack any tampons just to make sure.

And then she’d take a test and it’d be negative because there was no way she was pregnant.

But still. Ten days late was pretty freaking late.

Sebastian sat back down beside her and handed the refilled bowl of potato chips to her. “Whoa, you okay?” he asked. “You have a freaked out look on your face.”

“I’m fine, just thinking about this weird, uh, dream I had,” she blurted.

He squinted at her, but then the show came back from commercial and he returned his attention to the TV. And as they watched the show, the same thoughts kept swirling through Kayla’s brain.

If something was holding Sebastian back from asking her to marry him, what would he do if she was pregnant?

She didn’t know.