“Quick errand. He’ll be back any minute now.” Kayla peeked at her watch, hoping that was true. She missed him and wanted him nearby.

“Is Hudson here?” asked Max, craning his neck.

Levi pointed in the direction of the bar. “Over there. And check it out—he brought a date.”

As though he could feel their eyes on him, Hudson turned, a drink in his good hand. His other arm was still in a cast following his recent motorcycle accident. He was wearing a white shirt, open at the collar, and light blue dress pants. Beside him was a pretty blonde with a thick head of curls wearing a multicolored dress that flowed around her legs. The pattern was like swirls of paint—blues and greens and reds and oranges mixed with pops of black and white. Hudson elbowed her and tipped his chin in their direction, and then they walked over to the table where everyone had gathered, drinks in hand.

“Hey, everyone,” said Hudson in his usual affable way. Out of all the Prescotts, Kayla felt like she understood him the least, which was probably why she found him fascinating. It was as though he were a study in contrasts. He was a successful tattoo artist who owned his own shop and he rode a motorcycle. He was also a vegetarian who loved art and poetry, who often seemed like he’d rather be alone with his sketchbook, a glass of whisky, and a record on his vintage player than at a party. Unless he was at an animal rights protest or taking some tantric meditation course. “This is my good friend, Violet,” he said, introducing the woman at his side. Like Hudson, she was sporting several tattoos, all very pretty and colorful.

Violet glanced up at Hudson when he spoke, and there was something in her eyes. Something in the softness of her expression combined with the tension radiating down her neck that reminded Kayla of something…

Theo and Lauren. That was how Lauren had looked at Theo back in the day before they’d figured out that they’d been in love with each other for years.

Very interesting. She wondered if Hudson had any idea that his “good friend” Violet was carrying a major torch for him.

They chatted for a while longer, until Kayla needed to use the restroom. Thinking about going to pee, her mind flashed back to the pregnancy test she’d stuffed in the bottom of her suitcase. Nerves fluttered through her stomach. She knew she needed to take it. To tell Sebastian she was pretty sure she was pregnant.

She knew now that she was definitely hoping for a positive result. She just hoped that if she got what she wanted—and if she didn’t, where the hell was her period?—he wouldn’t freak out. He’d come so far over the past couple of years that the last thing she wanted to do was derail all of the progress he’d made by throwing him for a massive loop.

She stepped out of the ballroom and made her way down a hallway. There was a loud thump from behind a closed door, followed by a feminine giggle and a gruff male moan. Kayla slowed her steps, her eyebrows inching up her forehead. There was another thump and then a series of steady female moans, followed by a cry of “Oh God, yes baby. Just like that!” Kayla blushed slightly, feeling like a bit of a creep for eavesdropping. Willing her legs to move, she started down the hallway again just as the door burst open and Lucian and Olivia stumbled out. Lucian’s hair was disheveled, and Olivia’s lipstick was smeared on both of their faces. She adjusted her dress and then looked up, her eyes going wide when she saw Kayla.

Kayla just laughed and winked at her as she continued on her way to the restroom. She heard Lucian let out a low chuckle, and a fresh wave of happiness for them crested over her. Let them go at it like teenagers. It was their long-anticipated wedding day, after all.

She turned the corner, following the signs for the ladies’ room, and almost collided with someone. Her eyes went wide when she saw that it was the massive man she’d spotted at the rehearsal dinner yesterday. The one with the dark curls and the haunted eyes.

“Sorry, miss,” he said in a rough voice, reaching out a hand to steady her. “Wasn’t watching where I was going.” He had an unmistakable Irish accent, which only intrigued her more.

“It’s okay, no harm done,” she said, taking a step back. “You…you were there yesterday. When everything went wrong at the rehearsal dinner. You work with Lucian, don’t you?” Ever since she’d learned the truth about Lucian, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. It was both terrifying and completely fascinating.

He hesitated, then lifted one shoulder. “I do.”

“Thank you,” she said softly. “For whatever you had to do yesterday to keep everyone safe.”

His eyebrows knit together and he opened his mouth to say something when the door to the ladies’ room swung open and Whitney, the maid of honor, stepped out. The huge Irishman froze, staring at her. Although devouring was probably a better word for the way he was looking at Whitney, the hunger in his expression obvious even to Kayla, who didn’t really know either of them.

“Hi Killian,” she said in a singsong voice, dragging the tips of her fingers across the back of his massive shoulders as she passed. “Dance with me later?”

“No.” The word was gruff and tense, and Kayla could see that he was clenching his hand into a fist, his knuckles white.

Whitney gave him a playful pout. “Find me if you decide to take the stick out of your ass and have some fun.” She tugged on one of his curls and then disappeared around the corner. Killian’s eyes were closed and his features contorted almost as though he were in pain.

“Anyway, thanks again for yesterday,” said Kayla, not waiting for a response before slipping into the ladies’ room behind them. Whatever was happening—or not happening—between Killian and Whitney was none of her business.

But still, she had the feeling it’d make for a good story.