Lauren looped her arm through Kayla’s on her other side. “They’ve got five bedrooms and seven thousand square feet, so I think she can swing it.”

“There was no way I was letting you guys stay in a hotel,” said Willa, giving Kayla a squeeze. “I want you as close as possible while you’re in town. Both of you.”

They mounted a spiral staircase carpeted in a lush white rug. A walkway at the top of the stairs looked down onto the living room, making the space feel bright and airy. She led them to a bedroom just off of the stairs and pushed open the door, revealing an elegant bedroom with a king-sized bed, a plush blue chaise longue, and a flatscreen TV mounted to the wall opposite the bed. More floor-to-ceiling windows looked out over the city.

“Everything’s voice activated using this AI system Max designed. Watch.” She turned and spoke clearly. “Hey Cicero, close the curtains.”

“Closing the curtains,” came a super realistic male voice with a British accent. Immediately, the curtains started to glide smoothly closed.

“Wow, you guys really are living in the future, aren’t you?” asked Lauren. “I can’t even get Alexa to do what I want half the time.”

“This place is absolutely amazing,” said Kayla, sinking down onto the bed and running her fingers over the smooth duvet cover. “The view, the windows, the open space. It’s gorgeous. I can see why you guys fell in love with it.”

Willa beamed. “I like it better now that I have guests.”

Sebastian and Max stepped into the room, setting the luggage in the corner.

“Why don’t you get unpacked and then join us on the balcony? We’re having cocktails,” said Max. “Or mocktails,” he added, glancing at Sebastian. “We all have catching up to do.” He and Willa exchanged a meaningful look.

Sebastian grinned. “Sounds great.”

Kayla knew that this was her chance. She’d spotted a Duane Reade drug store at the end of the block. While everyone was occupied with drinks, she could run out and grab a pregnancy test. She’d pee on it, it’d be negative, and her world would stop feeling so off-kilter.

And if it was positive…Well. That thought sent butterflies tumbling through her stomach. Good ones. Hopeful ones.

“You guys go ahead without me,” she said, trying to sound as casual as possible. “I’m just going to run down to the drugstore, and—”

“No!” said Willa and Lauren in unison. Willa reached out, wrapping an arm around her. “I’m sure I have extra of whatever you need, and if not, go later. It’s not an emergency, right?”

“I haven’t seen your face in months. Don’t go right now,” added Lauren, and Kayla sighed and then nodded.

“Yeah, okay. It’s not an emergency.” Which was true, technically speaking, despite the sense of urgency making her feel prickly with sweat. She could have a mocktail instead of a cocktail to be on the safe side, and then once everyone was settled, she’d go to the drugstore and get a test.

“We’ll give you a minute to unpack anything you need,” said Willa, slipping her hand into Max’s. “Meet us out on the balcony in a few, okay?”

Kayla nodded, and everyone left, leaving her and Sebastian alone in their room.

“What did you forget?” he asked as he unzipped his suitcase and rummaged around inside.

“Oh, um. A—just a razor.”

“I’m sure Willa has one you can have.”

“Yeah, maybe. It’s fine, I can just go to the drugstore.”

He turned and looked at her, and when their eyes met, she almost told him. But she felt the need to hold back because she didn’t want to freak him out or get his hopes up if it was nothing. Not when this weekend was supposed to be about family time.

Sebastian closed his bag and moved toward her, pulling her into his arms. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he murmured against her hair, kissing her temple.

She leaned into him, soaking up the warmth and comfort of his solid body against hers. His familiar scent settled her nervous stomach and she took a deep breath, breathing him in. Her chest tightened with guilt over doubting him or their relationship. Their future. Of course her future was with Sebastian. He probably had very good reasons as to why he hadn’t proposed yet.

“I think I’m just a little worn out from the travel and everything. I’m sorry if I’ve been quiet or seemed a little off. I’m okay.”

He ducked his head and slipped a hand under her chin, tilting her face up to his. “Promise?”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Promise.”

“You know you can tell me anything, right? There’s nothing you could tell me that would ever scare me away.”