She sucked just the crown of his still-hard cock into her mouth, and it was both amazing and too much. He made a pained sound that ended in a laugh when she popped him out of her mouth.

She stroked him, laughing softly. “Too sensitive?”

He pushed a hand through his sweaty hair. “Yeah. Do it again.”

Holding his gaze, she took him back into her mouth, sucking at him lazily. He closed his eyes, the sensation both incredible and verging on too much. Dancing on that razor thin edge between pleasure and pain. She scraped her teeth over his sensitive head and he laughed and gently urged her off.

“You know what that feels like?”

“What?” she asked, giving him a playful stroke and making his muscles tense up and shake as that ribbon of pleasure-pain sliced through him.

“Getting electrocuted, where you can’t let go and it’s all just surging through your body and you’re totally powerless. And—Aaaahhhhh, fuck!”

He made a strangled sound as she swirled her tongue around his head and then tugged on his balls.

Laughing, he tumbled her down to the bed and kissed her, pulling her into his arms.

* * *

Once she’d cleaned herself up, Kayla slipped into a pair of shorts and Sebastian’s discarded T-shirt. She was thirsty, and truth be told, a little hungry, not only because of the amazing sex they’d just had, but because she hadn’t had the chance to eat much at the rehearsal dinner before they’d had to flee. When they’d first returned to Max and Willa’s, she hadn’t been hungry, her stomach too twisted up in knots to even think about food, but now her stomach was complaining, loudly.

She stepped out into the hall and closed the door softly behind her. Sebastian was dozing, but she’d bring back a bottle of water for him in case he woke up thirsty. It was nearly two hours after they’d gone up to bed, and the rest of the penthouse appeared to be dark. She headed for the curving staircase, following it down to the main level and then into the kitchen, where a dim light was shining. She stepped into the kitchen and saw Lauren rummaging around in the fridge, wearing a pair of pink panties and a large button-down shirt that clearly belonged to Theo.

“Oh!” she said when she stood from the fridge, a bottle of water in her hand. “I didn’t see you there.”

Kayla pressed a finger to her lips, trying not to laugh at Lauren’s disheveled state. Her hair was a mess, tangled around her face, her mascara smeared below her eyes, pinkish stubble burn obvious on her neck. She blushed and ducked her head back into the fridge.

“Are you thirsty?” she asked, fumbling for another bottle of water. Just then, Willa entered the kitchen, her hair a tangled mess, a visible bite mark on her neck. All three of them went still, studying each other, and then they burst out laughing in unison.

Willa shrugged, her oversized T-shirt slipping down over her shoulder. She shot Kayla a pointed but playful look. “What can I say? You and Sebastian started it.”

Kayla grimaced as she accepted a bottle of water from Lauren. “Sorry if we were loud. I was just…freaking out, and I just needed…”

“It’s okay,” said Willa, shaking her head. “I think we all just needed.”

“No kidding,” said Lauren, taking a long sip of her water. “Tonight was crazy.”

Willa moved to the fridge and opened the freezer, pulling out a container of chocolate ice cream. She pointed to one of the drawers. “Spoons are in there. We need some chocolate.”

The three of them gathered around the island, spoons in hand, eating chocolate ice cream and quietly processing everything that had happened that night.

There was something healing about chocolate. Or maybe it was the companionship. Kayla wasn’t sure. All she knew was that by the time she climbed back into bed, her heart felt as full as her stomach, her worries about the future nothing but a distant blip on the horizon.

And she knew, that no matter what happened, everything would be okay.